Thamasha: Undisputed Shadow drama queen

May 28 2018.

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Gifted Thamasha Jayasuriya who is regarded as a genius who introduced Shadow theatre concept to Sri Lanka six years ago, is going places now with upcoming shadow theater performances in Europe in July and August. 



Thamasha, a biomedical degree holder started learning a world’s centuries-old art on her own by scrutinizing youtube clips initially. Later she studied the art professionally and today leads a dynamic team of shadow drama players. Thamasha has so far performed more than 30 shows here and abroad, while creating commercials using shadow drama concepts for Indian products too.


“This is an art that requires multiple skills and above all patience and commitment. I have a team who possess these qualities and we have been recognized as the pioneers in Sri Lanka. My first first shadow drama performance was held in Colombo in December 2012 and the feedback has been fabulous. But people here, I feel are still not able to comprehend the real potential of this art. In other countries, they use this platform and techniques for corporate sector promotional activities too. However, I am lucky to have got the opportunity to work with professionals in the world and they are organizing  shows for me in various countries. Like I said earlier, one should possess a flexible body to engage in this art form.

Gymnastic is vital and so are ballet and dancing skills. It’s a blend of sports and art. However, it is unfortunate that our skills are not being supported though appreciated. I and my team members spend our own money courtesy the parents for our activities. Finding sponsors is not an easy task for this spectacular art of story-telling and entertainment,” said Thamasha who could be contacted on her FB page while her performances could be browsed on youtube. 


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