Mar 29 2016.
views 587Life is not alright in my little baby world full of fluffy teddy bears and powder puffs. I am vexed no wait I’m more frustrated.. or is it more a touch of sadness.. oh I don’t know. See what I mean, there’s a situation brewing here which I might have to solve in a flood of tears.
Okay so the evening started off not too bad actually. We were off to some Johnny’s birthday party, I say Johnny because it was one of annoying Big Sister’s preschool buddies. Those lot that she hangs out with are really questionable, I mean first of all they have really fake relationships, one day they are like bosom buddies, the next it’s like a battle between Batman and Superman. I mean c’mon people find a friend and stop the drama, so what if Kiara had a prettier bow than you that day and you’re never talking to Kiara again, yeah that’s Big Sister whining to Mum, she really should try out for the soaps, superb outpour of emotion.
Anyway, so we make an appearance at this balloon filled pretty pink party fiasco. I, surprisingly, was taken along not because Mum dearest missed me or anything, but Just Dad wasn’t there to baby sit. So sitting amongst the pink fairies and glittering Princesses, I felt like the King of the Castle. Mum got distracted with her buddies and thus I was let loose on the food table. Oh glorious food, and nothing is pureed. YAY. First I helped myself to some sickly sweet marshmallows, which I downed with some fizzy Portello. Then I moved on to the saturated fat filled cheese balls, I need to keep my baby fat topped up you see. A good fifteen minutes of chowing down on those babies, covered in cheese dust I took a break whilst straw in mouth I sampled a cup of sugary Coke. DELICIOUS. Mum did look over in my direction, but I managed to hide the cup behind teddy and grab a carrot stick in superman kinda speed, the excessive sugar consumption might explain the quick reflexes! Moves like Jagger I’ve got. But as the party wore on and the sugar trickled through my bloodstream, I felt a change. No I wasn’t turning green and becoming the Hulk. I just felt very emotional, one minute I wanted to scream I’m the King of the Castle, the next I felt like bawling my eyes. Is this puberty mother?. “Oh, dear?” one of mum’s friends goes, “I think he’s had too much sugar, he’s got a sugar high, good luck dealing with that one”. What does she mean, I’m fine, see Mum said it's time to go. Give me a moment whilst I respond to that in shouts and scream and a few rolls of protests around the party floor. Yep I’m just fine…SOB!
Choking In Toddlers
Children, particularly those between the ages of one and five, often put objects in their mouth. This is a normal part of how they explore the world. Some small objects, such as marbles and beads, are just the right size to get stuck in a child’s airway and cause choking. The best way to avoid this is to make sure that small objects like these are kept out of your child’s reach. No matter how careful you are, your child may choke on something. In most cases, you or someone else will see your child swallow the object that causes choking. There can be other reasons why your child starts coughing. However, if your child suddenly starts coughing, is not ill and has a habit of putting small objects in their mouth, there's a good chance that they're choking.
Tips On Helping A Choking Child
· If you can see the object, try to remove it. Don’t poke blindly with your fingers. You could make things worse by pushing the object in further.
· If your child is coughing loudly, there’s no need to do anything. Encourage them to carry on coughing and don’t leave them.
· If your child’s coughing is not effective (it’s silent or they can’t breathe in properly), shout for help immediately and decide whether they’re still conscious.
· If your child is still conscious but they’re either not coughing or their coughing is not effective, use back blows.
Always seek medical attention in these cases.
How Much Sugar Is Good For Toddlers?
Just as children differ in body type, activity level, and temperament, there's no set measuring spoon for the right amount of sugar in their diet. At the same time, how sugar plays into various health considerations can help guide you toward the right balance for your child:
Cavities : Sugar alone doesn't cause them, but it does fuel the growth of bacteria that do. So while fluoridated water and regular tooth brushing help prevent cavities, a steady stream of sugar in the mouth increases their likelihood. That's why dentists advise against putting babies to sleep with a bottle of milk (it contains milk sugar) or fruit juice, or letting them sip the stuff throughout the day.
Behavioural Problems : Numerous studies have confirmed that sugar does not cause hyperactivity. In fact, a few drops of sugar water (a half teaspoon in an ounce of water) can soothe a fussing baby. When sugar enters the bloodstream and reaches the brain, it temporarily increases calming neurochemicals, such as serotonin.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe