Mar 21 2020.
views 878How do YOU start your mornings?
Meet Thosh, Suzie and Deen, the morning talk-show hosts at EFM that gets the day started with their chaotic take on anything and everything. The Morning Showgram is undoubtedly a popular morning show among many and we were more than happy to catch the trio in person to find out what the fuss is all about.
How did you get involved with the Morning Showgram?
Suzie: Thosh actually was the mastermind behind the Morning Showgram and then myself and Deen joined in later. (laughs) It was only the two of us who could take the pressure and continue to stomach working with Thosh!
Deen: Yeah, we were drafted in, we didn’t have much of a choice…
Thosh: You both secretly love it!
What makes the Morning Showgram special?
Deen: The morning Showgram is a talk show with very little music. Which means we will play music but largely the show is more talk based on local and relevant content
Thosh: I think we just talk about everything! From nostalgia to a few current events. We don’t like to read the newspaper headlines but rather prefer to just put our own spin and thoughts on what’s happening in the world. Deen is very informative, Suzie is educated and is the voice of balance while I’m more unhinged and obnoxious – so I think it works very well!
A three-person show is kind of unique! How did that come about?
Thosh: A management decision actually but because it’s a talk show having a third person just balances everything out!
Suzie: When it comes to the three of us, I think what makes our content different is that we are right there with you; like we are right in the vehicle travelling off to work with you as opposed to just hearing us over the radio.
Three people in a studio at the same time can get chaotic! Do you guys ever fight?
Thosh: (laughs) Oh we always have lots of conflicts! Suzie is the boss so she makes us cry every day. I think we made her cry maybe once?
Deen: Ha! Of course, we fight. I remember I left the studio one day even.
Suzie: Well, there is a lot of drama. We are basically in a trouple; we fight, we disagree and make up. At the end of the day, we are all like a family – Deen is like the dad and Thosh is the stubborn son who never listens or knows how to keep his mouth shut. But that’s what makes our show different – we love coming early in the morning for the show and we have such a great bond together and that comes through on air.
Would you say that radio is still relevant with all the streaming platforms so readily available?
Deen: As long as there is traffic in Sri Lanka radio will always be super relevant! Our listeners are stakeholders in our show because it is interactive, they get to share their opinions and thoughts so they are always locked in with us.
Thosh: I doubt radio will ever come irrelevant. We still reach our audience on a one-on-one medium and we’ve built an audience that is loyal. On radio everyone says you don’t get loyalty but we do because we connect to our audience and we are a part of their day to day life.
Suzie: We’ve all worked in other stations but we’ve never ever seen or had this kind of connection to our listeners. More than just hearing their name on the radio they connect so well with us and we connect so well with them. For radio to stay relevant you just have to evolve with the time – if you are doing the same thing over and over again they, yes of course radio will be irrelevant, but if you are willing to go out of the box and try something new – then the radio will always be relevant.
You guys are so passionate about your listeners! What do you love the most about them?
Suzie: I love that they remember everything! You could have said something years ago and they’ll bring it up all of a sudden and that’s how you know you have a connection.
Deen: When we started the show, in the beginning, everyone was just so used to the old greet and say the weather report and the news kind of programme and when we just completely went out of the norm and started going crazy, we had a fair bit of people who weren’t too into it but eventually they loved it and now they are loyal listeners.
What’s the best way to describe each other in 3 words?
Deen: (to Suzie) Smart, attractive and funny.
Suzie: (to Thosh) Intelligent, obnoxious and very, very stubborn!
Thosh: (to Deen) Bald, boisterous and beautiful.
Why should people tune into the Morning Showgram?
Thosh: Wait really? After reading this chaotic interview, you really don’t want to?
Suzie: What you just read is actually good! On air is a complete mess that you just don’t want to miss out on!
You don’t want to miss out on this mayhem! Catch them every weekday morning from 6-10 at 88.3FM.