May 13 2016.
views 747When I Miss Being In A Relationship
Maybe it because I was reading a Nicholas Sparks’ book, or watching ‘How to lose a Guy in Ten Days’, or even just staring into space wondering when I was held properly for the last time. Despite my constant ‘I don’t need a man’ façade, there’s an odd day of the month for even just a few minutes when I wonder what it would be like to have a significant other.
What if there’s a really tough jar that wouldn’t open? What if the house I live in requires chopped wood for a fire? A chimney sweep? Or the computer wouldn’t boot? Yes, I hear you saying that there are professionals who can be hired for same.
97% of the time, I believe that I don’t need anyone, I don’t have the time or energy for relationships, and now that I have been single for over three years, I don’t simply know how to be in one. But, boy, when that 3% starts acting up along with soon-to-be-thirty hormonal fluctuations it has a way of ‘tsunamying’ the former levels of confidence and dignity.
I couldn’t possibly be the only one who goes through these thoughts, so I decided to share times I miss being in a relationship… brace yourself!
1. Let’s be honest, it would be nice to be complemented when you wear his favourite colour; you would deliberately restock your wardrobe just so that it’s nice to be noticed by him, even though you dress for yourself.
2. When your phone beeps you would like to it be anyone other than your bank reminding you that you get 15% off on your groceries at Cargills.
3. My phone dictionary never auto-prompts words like ‘love’, ‘darling’, or ‘sweetheart’. The best it does is ‘loser’, ‘damn’, and ‘sweat’. Just goes to show that they are far from my vocabulary.
4. There are restaurants that are only date-worthy; you can't bother your BFF with these places. You also have a growing list of restaurants on your phone's notes you would like to visit when you have someone; some restaurants have even closed since.
5. Sometimes you pick a large slice of cake or a giant tub of ice cream all for yourself – it helps to have someone hovering around to make it look better to think it will be shared.
6. You hate having to get out of the vehicle after a long day to pick up one mundane grocery item – you could send him instead.
7. When the boyfriend experiments with his culinary prowess.
8. He knows the way to your heart is a six pack… of cupcakes, that is. I miss having someone bringing me confectionery for no reason.
9. Boyfriends somehow have better recommendations on movies.
10. Getting dressed up to accompany him for a significant function in his life is secretly thrilling and even more so when he is present for yours.
11. I am blessed with two BFFs whom I've known for over twenty years whom I can discuss anything with; despite their commitments, marital status, relationships, and stress, they would always take time off to listen to me whine, bitch, or send me voice notes. Sometimes I think it would be nice to have someone significant so I could not bother them all the time; someone whom I can bounce off ideas or share work-related concerns - or, just talk to.
12. There would be less hollering on the roads by passing tuk-tuks if I walked next to a male.
13. Maybe he could be the one who remembers my ATM pin number?
14. Sometimes it’s just nice to know that, a douche or not, there is someone out there; and when the car key goes missing there is someone else to blame.
15. It’s nice to have someone who can rummage through clothing shelves and bring a larger/smaller/different coloured item of which you have in the trial room.
16. You can avoid awkward statements like, ‘You’ve been single for three years? How did you wait so long without sex?’ People have sincerely not known what it’s like to sneak something off a table laden with food that wasn’t meant for you.
17. Holding hands. Sigh.
18. Having someone and being seen with them in public saves you from wanton blind dates and such.
19. When I have sores from bashing my legs on weights and I am in need of someone to ice my bruises.
20. When I want to have a tantrum, but don’t have an audience to do so. #SlamThatDoor
Although I condone relationships in my updates, if you do find someone who is your soulmate you benefit far more physically and spiritually than what I have mentioned above. My BFF and her husband are an example of why I might want to be married one day.
I suppose it’s natural to want someone when you are single and then want to revert to singlehood when relationships go south. If you were to ask me if which was better, I would honestly say that both states are great. It’s like a tall stack of waffles and Nutella vs. a killer workout that burns 750 calories which you slew – both feel amazing, albeit they are complete opposite states.
And with that, I am back to enjoying being Single!
Are you this single girl? Do you want one or a combination of two or more of the above? You’re not alone! Is there anything else you wish for too? Go ahead and ‘share’ this with your BFF if this rings true. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on Ms. Confidential on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter!
By Ms. Confidential
singletilldeath says:
May 15, 2016 at 12:00 amStupid article written by a pampered twit. Not being in a relationship is not when you have "been single for over three years", but trying to understand the pain of living alone and when you have never been in a relationship, and at the age of thirty five or so, wondering what's wrong with you and what's going to happen.