Making Ramadan More Meaningful

Jun 20 2016.

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How To Make Ramadan More Meaningful 

Ramadan, to Muslims, is like the wildcard entry to paradise with piety overflowing more every single day. If done right, heaven is a step closer. So, do it right and make it meaningful. 

But how exactly do you make it meaningful? 

Offer Your Compulsory Prayers 

It can be a hard practice to observe if you put the pro in procrastination like I do and delay praying All. The.  Time. But what is the point of observing a fast if you are not going to attempt to offer the five fundamental prayers? 

(Five fundamental prayers – Fajr, Luhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha) 

Recite The Quran 

Quran, the Holy Book in Islam, was revealed in the month of Ramadan. Hence, explaining the utmost importance given to the Quran in this month. 

An easy way to finish the Quran in a month is by reciting 3 pages before and 3 pages after a prayer. 

All you girls and boys who brag about reading a Harry Potter book within a day CANNOT afford to complain. 

Read The Translation Of The Quran 

If you are a Sri Lankan Muslim who can read Arabic AND understand it, you belong to the special population of the Muslim community. 

If you do not understand it, make an effort to read the translation of the Quran so you can reflect on what you are reciting. 

Offer Taraweeh 

(Taraweeh is the non-fundamental, special prayer offered in Ramadan) 

I understand it is long. I understand when Satan whispers “Don’t offer Tarweeh today”, it can get really tempting. 

But be strong, fellow Muslim warrior. You can do this. Go ahead and pray Taraweeh. 

PS: Taraweeh helps develop some mighty strong calf muscles. 

Avoid Giving The “I Missed Sehri So I Am Not Fasting” Excuse For Not Fasting 

Habibi, what’s wrong with you?  Fasting is partly about feeling the pangs of hunger the poor and needy feel. So if you missed Sehri, fast without it! Get in the real spirit of Ramadan! 

Break Fast With Your Family 

Ramadan is all about love, too. Go ahead and fast and break your fast with unity. 

If you are a working man/woman, try to get home in time to break your fast with your family. 

(PS: this is a great excuse to leave your annoying boss early, but please don’t be that person, thanks.) 

Help The Poor 

Having felt the hunger pangs, it is easier to feel a minor portion of what those who don’t have half as much as you do go through on a daily basis. So, this Ramadan lend a helping hand to those who really need it. 

Tip: you can do it in the littlest possible way by making extra food for Ifthar and giving it to the poor. 

Try Not To Gossip And Backbite 

Not going to deny this is definitely one of the hardest things to do – harder than passing a science exam! 

I mean, what can one do with gossip instead of repeating it and it is absolutely important to talk about how hideous your ex’s new partner looks like! 

But Ramadan is a month where we are ordered to discipline ourselves and the true essence of this month is highlighted only when it is followed well. 

That means, no talking ill about your ex’s new girlfriend. 

(PS: you’re much hotter than her, girl!) 

Listen To The Recitation Of The Quran 

When you are unable to recite, don’t listen to Drake, listen to the recitation of Quran instead! 

Tip: download MuslimPro. It is an app that has the recitation of the entire Quran. 

Try Not To Argue And Fight While Fasting 

Humans are of the most annoying species to ever hit planet earth. They can really curdle your blood, but habibi, maintain your calm and cool and don’t lose it. Engaging in foul talk while you are fasting won’t help and let’s spread a little love in this demented world, shall we? 

Happy Ramadan-ing, folks! 

By Nabeela Yaseen


  1. Jesus says:

    Hahaha why don't your ll do this 365 days a year like the Christians and the Romon Catholics

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