Jun 09 2016.
views 496Types of People in the Comment Section
The comment section is an illuminating space with a potpourri of opinions and ideas. You can love it or you can hate it, but you can’t deny that it's unbelievably entertaining. So grab your popcorn, here are the types of people you will definitely come across while scrolling through the comment section.
The Troll
These troublemakers have made it their lives purpose to add fuel to fire, and add fuel they do in the comment sections. From making controversial comments to creating controversy in someone else's comment, these people are unrelenting. You know what they say, some people just wanna watch the world burn.
The Racists
The racists are a clever bunch, to be honest. Who else can find a link between something as mundane as a bench and spew hate based on that? Usually identified by their “I'm not racist but…” comments. A quick pitstop to their Facebook page will usually reveal racist propaganda and general douchebaggery.
Those Who Don't Understand The concept That There's More Than 1 News Story
A lot happens in this world. Every second there’s a new story. And as is the job of the media, their websites are constantly updated with the newest story. Apparently, it’s a concept many can’t seem to grasp, evident by comments like “How is this news? You do realise there's people dying in the country, right?"
The “Adopt A Stray” Brigade
Have you found yourself posting on a page for a purebred German Shepherd Puppy only to be told to “adopt a stray” instead? Of course we get it - strays need homes too. We've only seen ads for that on our newsfeed every five minutes, literally. It may not have occurred to you - but if we wanted a stray pup, we would have gotten a stay. Stop forcing one down our throats.
Those Who Comment Without Reading The Article
Ignorance at its best, these people jump to conclusions based on even the most vague headlines. A story on “Holidays in Sri Lanka” will have many in the comment section going gung ho over the fact that we have too many holidays in Sri Lanka yadda yadda yadda. Never mind that the article is actually talking about holidays in the country a la Vesak, and Christmas. Not propagating anything. READ the article before jumping to conclusions, maybe?
Grammar Nazis
These hawk eyed folks keep an eye out for grammar and spelling errors either in the article or comment section so they can swoop in and call the offender out. Or they’ll use an opponent’s bad grammar to win arguments in the comment section.
The “Like” Bait
People like being the top comment, it seems. And will do anything to get there. Anything being comments such as “like this comment for no reason” or “like if you like dogs”. Looks like we have a thing for liking utterly pointless and ridiculous comments, so you’ll prolly find these comments in the top before long.
Chain Messengers
Maybe these people are stuck in the Stone Age, but chain messages are sooo not cool anymore (not that they ever were!). But that doesn’t stop some annoying person or two from posting them in every comment section.
By Rihaab Mowlana