How to combat stress this season..

Nov 18 2015.

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Minimise stress this holiday season... 
While you’re busy with work and education or both, the holiday season has been stealthily creeping up on you. Before you know it, you’re freaking out. You haven't bought any gifts for anyone, much less planned what you’ll be getting them. You obviously haven’t given budgeting any thought (budgeting? what budgeting?), although you’re sure that what with all the shopping and meals and gifting, you’ll be broke long before you get to Christmas. Soon, panic sets in, and the momentary excitement you may have had gradually starts to wane. 
But it doesn't have to be that way. Soak in the atmosphere, make merry, devour your meals heartily, and have a blast with your family and friends. Because we’re going to help you minimise your impending holiday stress. 
Relax. Take a breather. 
Take a deep breath and relax. Freaking out is not going to help get things done. Neither will warming your seat, contemplating worst case scenarios in your head. Take some time off your day, have a warm shower, grab a hot coffee or tea, sit down and make a list. Include gifts, any events, guests lists and so on. When you’re able to see what’s to be done, it's easier to plan a course of action, instead of having a chaotic mishmash of ideas in your head, only to be forgotten or mixed up eventually, causing further frustration. 
Plan your budget. 
Most people end up overspending due to lack of foresight in decision making. In fact, budgeting is the last thing on your mind, because you’re not a scrooge. “I’m not a cheapskate. So why would I do any budgeting? It’s a time of giving, so I’m going to be lavish” you think, until your bank statements beg to differ come January. Regret soon seeps in and you’re annoyed at yourself for engaging in this yearly vicious cycle. So be realistic in your budgeting and plan your spending intelligently based on your income, and you’ll have nothing to fret about. 
Purchase gifts early. 
Start planning and buying your gifts early. When you leave gift purchasing for the last minute, desperation kicks in and you end up impulsively grabbing whatever's the easiest to purchase, which in almost all cases is never wallet friendly. A super expensive gift that requires you to sell your soul doesn’t mean anything if it’s not thoughtful. And thoughtful gifts don’t have to be expensive. This is why planning and buying gifts early helps - you have plenty of time to get people gifts they’ll actually love. 
Share the burden. 
Sharing is caring - so why not share your responsibilities during the season? Right? There’s no rule stating that you have to single-handedly handle everything, so do delegate holiday tasks to others, but try to follow-up for extra peace of mind. Unless of course you’re a control freak - then you’d rather just save everyone the trouble and do it yourself because you know you’re going to throw tantrums if - God forbid - things aren't done your way. 
Technology is your new best friend. 
Or your personal secretary, if we may. There are countless productivity apps that will help you set notifications, share your to-do lists with family, as well as help with gift ideas. Try different apps, and pick whatever suits you and your needs best. And because you always have your phone on you, you’ll never forget anything. 
Remember to take time off for yourself. 
Blow off some steam, so to speak.  Make no mistake - the holiday season will be hectic, and have you traipsing from one thing to the other with barely any time off. Not only is this exhausting, but it will certainly take a toll on you. Coupled with heightened emotions that are part and parcel of the season, you're more likely to engage in shouting matches with family and friends over trivial matters. So do something relaxing by yourself, be it a bubble bath or reading - whatever floats your boat. 
Things won’t always go according to plan. 
And that’s okay. Some things are beyond your control, and no matter how well you had it mapped out, it may not work out. Learn to focus on the plusses instead of the minuses. Look at it this way - at least you’ll have something to laugh about later, even if you’re not laughing about it now. So whenever you hit a snafu, don’t hold on to it and worry. Instead, heed the wise words of Frozen’s Elsa and “Let it go”. 
By Rihaab Mowlana


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