Mar 22 2016.
views 395Happiness is...time spent with kids.
Nestled comfortably in my lap my youngest looks busy at my desk, curls bobbing tenderly, fingers lightly tapping the keyboard, all in mimicry of myself at work. With my deadlines looming sooner than I like, I try to cajole her off my lap but to no avail, she screams no and nestles in deeper. After fifteen minutes of quietly sitting there, it suddenly dawns on me that all my daughter wants to do was to spend time with me. Being the youngest and now moving into toddlerhood, she is quite independent and is splendidly looked after by the nanny. Also the older ones with their numerous practices and activities demand my attention and involvement. I need to accompany them for practices; I need to watch the umpteenth musical event. Thus taking my time away from the younger ones, for as long as they are washed, napped and fed, I need not get so actively involved. But that doesn’t still take away from the fact that a child needs their parent. Whatever age we are, we all need our parents, for guidance, for support, for reassurance of love and safety, we came from our Parents and they are our rock.
As parents, we are there for our children from day one, we nurture them in their newborn years and slowly introduce them into everyday life. From the beginning we are their first teachers, unknown to us our children watch and copy everything we do. We are their role models.
Spending time doesn’t necessarily mean doing things for them. It means actually spending quality time, talking, listening and being there in the moment. Here are some good reasons as to why we should make it a priority to spend time with our children.
In this day and age, we all live busy lives. From work to school to the everyday running of our busy lives, it is a constant battle to find time to be still. But like all that we do in our lives, spending time with children should also be a priority. Spending those precious moments listening, talking and just being with your little one is priceless. Make it a priority to spend time with your child, you won’t regret it, but you’ll always regret not spending it, for when they are all grown up, it’s too late. Happiness is, definitively time spent with kids.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe