Feng Shui: Dissipate unfavorable energies

Dec 13 2024.

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A normal concern in any home is to keep the family free of negative influences, bad luck and ill health. Over a period of time, the house normally gathers unpleasant energy which could be due to lifestyle, accumulation of clutter and even sourcing artefacts and furniture which are not very harmonious.

There are many methods which one can adapt to counter negative energies and protect the home
and the family. However, in the science of Feng Shui, the solutions are quite simple and can be
adapted to our daily lives.

By using some simple techniques of Feng shui one can deflect, dissolve and disperse bad luck.
Usually, a key aspect of this is to identify such bad energies and counter them well in time. One simple approach could be good housekeeping and protecting the home from the change of
energies annually which in Feng shui parlance is referred to as “annual corrections” or “spring

This is to ensure that at the beginning of the year or anytime throughout the year if you are
experiencing unpleasant situations, obstacles or illness, you could find a good remedy to dissolve
such energies and check the feng shui of your space.

This ensures good protection and makes you stay ahead of these negative energies which have the
power to create problems in one’s life. At times such energies push back your plans and create
insurmountable issues which would push the person back by a few years in terms of his prospects and life goals.

Some of the simple yet practical remedies in feng shui are the use of Sea salt and special protective
symbols known as Wulou.

The Wu Lou (bottle gourd) originates from a fruit. When dried, it is very durable and its shape
renders it useful as a receptacle for medicine. Most often the Wu Lou is carried by aged people as a
charm of longevity and a charm to dissipate or ward off pernicious influences. The Wu Lou is one of
the most significant tools to cure many bad situations and enhance our Feng Shui. It is a powerful
symbol of health and longevity.

The other simple remedy is the use of sea salt. Sea salt is commonly used in Feng Shui to get rid of negative energy and to allow a balanced chi to flow inside the home. The sea salt is either used alone or mixed with water and placed in certain areas of the home to counter annual afflictions. One popular method of cleansing the home to get rid of negative energy is to mix 5 – 6 tablespoons of sea salt in a bucket of water and mop the floors with the mixture.

However, if the house is feeling depleted and choked, its an indication of accumulated bad energies
which can be dissolved. Place a pot or jug filled with sea salt in every room and remove it after 24
hours. Sea salt can also be spread around the ‘outside perimeter’ of the house to put a stop to any
negative energy entering the home.

Accredited Master Fengshui Consultant, Bioenergetician and Traditional Vaastu Practitioner



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