Dos & Don’ts This Ramadan

Jun 10 2016.

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10 Dos And Don’ts To Follow This Ramadan 

The month of halal dates is here where the playboys turn in to prayboys and the barbies turn in to hijabis. While you and I aren’t the most perfect of Muslims, let’s try to make the most out of this Ramadan. So, here’s a list of dos and don’ts to act as a friendly reminder to stop you from being haramis in this holy month!

1. DO Brush Your Teeth 

I cannot stress this enough. I do not know why a proportion of Muslims think brushing their teeth invalidates the fast. Who even came up with that? 


2. DON’T Swear 

Humans can get annoying leading you to react with an outburst of profanity and while swearing when observing a fast does not nullify the fast, it does detract the reward. So, it might really not help you get on God’s good books. 

Tip: an alternative to swearing would be making up your own halal swear words like “Mother-filling Falooda!” and “Holy Samosas!” and even God won’t hate on that because, let’s face it, faloodas  and samosas are the real MVP! 

3. DON’T Look At Pictures And Watch Videos Of Food 

No, this is not haram. You are not going to be labelled as a sinner for going through tantalizing images and videos of food, but you’re certainly not going to do yourself a favour by scrolling through the Instragram feed of an account that posts pictures of sizzling steak, cheesy pizza and a mouthwatering, thirst-quenching milkshake with a dollop of cream. You won’t be helping yourself by watching videos of Nutella being drizzled on that golden waffle either. 


4. DO Keep Yourself Occupied 

The best way to fight the hunger pangs is to keep yourself occupied. 

(No, this does not mean going through pictures and videos of food!) 

If you’re on vacation, read a book. 

If you’re at work, work! Make your boss proud. 

If you’re waiting for your boyfriend to call you back, um, astaghfirullah, sister, you need to break up, it’s haram. #harampolice 

5. DON’T Check Women/Men Out In The Masjid 

It’s Ramadan, bro. Be halal! Don’t get distracted during taraweeh if your masjid has a ladies’ section. And ladies, this isn’t the time to look for potential husbands, although a masjid would be the most ideal place to look for the halal-est of the men. Sigh. What a sacrifice! 

[Taraweeh is the special prayer offered after breaking fast (often in congregation) in Ramadan] 

6. DO Recite And Offer All Compulsory Prayers 

The whole purpose of Ramadan is lost when you fast without paying heed to reciting and offering prayers. It may be difficult, but do attempt to pray all of the five compulsory prayers. 

As for reciting, here’s a tip that I received as a forward on WhatsApp – recite 3 pages of the Quran before a prayer and 3 pages after. By following this, you would have completed the entire Quran by the end of the Holy month. 

7. DON’T Lash Out On Those Who Get Religious In Ramadan 

“Have you seen Abdullah? He has been going to the mosque for all prayers. Pffft. I saw him hanging out with THREE girls just a day before Ramadan!” 

“Nabeela is acting all holy now because it’s Ramadan. She didn’t even bother wearing a shawl before Ramadan!” 


We are not perfect and Ramadan is the month where we try extra hard to be better Muslims and lashing out on us really isn’t nice. We won’t care about what you have to say, but it really isn’t nice. 

8. DO Help The Poor And Needy 

The main purpose of fasting is to feel the pain of those who fast on a daily basis, but without a choice. So get in the true spirit of Ramadan by helping those who truly need help. 

9. DON’T Use Fasting As An Excuse 

Please don’t be that human that makes fasting an excuse for everything. 

“Can you get me that book from the table?” 

“Nah, habibi, not today. I am fasting” 

Fasting isn’t all about snoozing till one minute before iftar! 

*sleeps till noon* 

10. DON’T Burp Out Loud During Taraweeh 

We all tend to OD during Ramazan. (OD = overdose) 

So I understand the need to burp, but for the love of God, please stifle the belch when you’re praying Taraweeh in congregation at the mosque. 

No one wants to smell your eaten samosas and biriyani. NO ONE. NOT A SINGLE SOUL. THANK YOU. 

With that, I, a devoted member of the Religious in Ramadan Crew (SOMETIMES, ONLY) sincerely hope you have a great Ramadan; one filled with the best of kebabs, biriyani and falooda! 

By Nabeela Yaseen


  1. Mfz says:

    Utter rubbish..DM Life should be ashamed for publishing a crap like this.

  2. Saif says:

    Thank for your sarcastic advice. Check the status of you parents. You made this event a joke . we find people like plenty in western streets . I am sure look modern (as per sri lankan)

  3. MrAmeen says:

    This disgraceful article itself is a Ramadan don't by an illiterate writer. This is no excuse for fasting. If one does not know the scholarly interpretation of the holy Quran or the Sunnah, then don't abuse that divine knowledge and practice.

  4. 5555 says:

    Who is this 2 cents writer, would like to go meet a personally , She looks an hypocrite

  5. ezed says:

    Hi people just relax its to be read in the spirit in which its written and it comes from a different social aspect.

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