Sep 12 2017.
views 435Creative play’, a concept that ought to govern every child’s childhood but is often forgotten and ignored. A creative and imaginative process, explored via simple forms of play encouraging kids to practise self-expression in its freest form, that was exactly what the founders Roshalie and Ruki had in mind when they embarked on this adventure in September 2016.
Team Life made a visit to one of the creative workshops hosted by Creative Play to find out for ourselves what this was all about and we were very pleasantly surprised.
The kids were getting ready to play a very engaging game named ‘Little Detective’. Obstacles were placed all around and clues were given as each of them hopped, skipped and swirled around wondering what the mystery at the end would be. Would they be able to find the bunny? We were quite fascinated ourselves. The uninterrupted energy and enthusiasm each of them maintained throughout the activity was very impressive too, only to be topped by Roshalie’s and Ruki’s.
Roshalie and Ruki
“We don’t have typical sit down arts and crafts like in school or any other holiday camp.
We involve a lot of running, thinking and looking to help them bring out their imagination while keeping them super active”
added the founders as we caught them for a quick chat later on.
They follow four key concepts, ‘Inspire, Imagine, Explore and Create’ which effectively guide children to develop the many life skills they need, via fun filled exciting activities, unknowingly delivering a hidden message in each of the little games they play.
Speaking to us Roshalie, (a business developer by profession) and Ruki, (an architect), fondly reminisced their year long journey and how it all came into being so accidentally when they both had very similar interests but didn’t know who to collaborate with.
‘Our first event was a treasure hunt at a kids’ birthday party. It was a big hit and from there on there has been no looking back’ Creative play has different aspects. ‘Creative Entertainment’ involves themed birthday activities moving away from the ordinary bouncers, clowns and dance games.
“We did a Moana themed party which was based around helping Moana find her destiny” said Ruki.
‘Creative workshops, this is what we love the most for we get to interact with the kids a lot more here’ the founders added ecstatically confirming their genuine love for children. The workshops are conducted during school holidays for various age categories and are targeted at effective communication, team building, confidence boosting, and leadership enhancing, through very stimulating games and activities.
“We had a colour camp just a few weeks ago with a massive giant canvas set up. Everyone thought it was going to be a good old art class but we gave it so much more meaning letting the kids go wild, splashing colour and exploring colour in every form. We converted it to a scavenger hunt without just a basic splash of colour”
Creative dance fitness is another category in Creative play, conducted every Saturday from 10:30-11:30am at Soulscape, Nawala giving children the opportunity to explore through rhythm and movement.
Creative aspirations, the last of the four is designed to help kids envision their future as creatively as they possibly can. ‘To help them dream without adhering to just the local norms of occupations that revolve around medicine or law’
Roshalie reiterated, “Kids nowadays don’t play anymore. They play on a tab or an iPad” That’s not really playing and we couldn’t agree more. Watching them play in the truest and simplest form did take us back in time too. “We want to encourage them to play with each other!”
something they love seeing happen at their camps. We asked them for the most heart-warming moments and their instant response was how they observe the kids drawing cards for each other, kids who’ve never met before becoming friends over the 5-day workshop.
As they celebrate one year since the inception on the 24th of September 2016, Roshalie and Ruki had much to say about their journey.
“We’re getting really great feedback and constructive criticism too”.
What inspires them the most are the kids’ imagination and how different theirs are to adult interpretations. Balancing regular 9-5 jobs with an equally challenging venture as this is no easy feat. But the duo seems to have found the perfect balance with support from close family and friends, especially Ruki’s mom and Roshalie’s husband as they prep and brainstorm during workshop times.
Let ‘Creative Play’ walk your child through this invigorating process, letting them imagine and explore the many wonders of their childhood which will inevitably lay a strong foundation for the rest of their lives.