Mar 28 2012.
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We have all received emails with pictures of cute furry cats and we have at one time or another gone onto sites and watched videos of funny cats. Most people are inspired to adopt a cat at moments like these. What they do not realize is that, even though they are relatively easy to care for, they too, like any other creature, are prone to diseases that require delicate care on the part of the owner, constant vigilance and lots of love, to nurse them back to health.
Listed below are some of the most common ailments that plague our feline friends.
1. Diarrhea
Cause: Commonly caused by
a) Over Eating
b) Ingesting rotten food
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Cats have often been accused of having bottomless pits for stomachs. No matter how much you feed them, it never seems to be enough. A healthy balanced diet is always the best, but that too in moderation. A cat’s stomach is small even though it may not realize it! A tiny handful of rice is more than sufficient for an adult cat, but as the owner, you must vary this quantity depending on the size of the cat and its appetite. Generally adult cats stop eating when they have had their fill. So, it is the kittens that you must keep an eye on.
Most often, diarrhea in kittens is due to over eating. It is a problem I have with my kittens. Often, I am accused of over feeding by my vet! I try to limit their quantities, but most often than not, my heart does not let me. Unfortunately, my heart nearly killed one of my kittens. The problem is, even though they seem to be able to eat their body weight, their systems aren’t able to digest quickly enough, often leaving food behind in their stomachs. This leads to the food fermenting inside them, creating gas, which, if left untreated, can kill them.
Clearing and washing their food bowls everyday will also prevent your cat from ingesting old stale food. Often times, it is their stomach that is the most delicate and vulnerable. So a healthy diet and clean bowls will protect them. Generally, if your cat is having a bad tummy, a diet of one boiled Salaya fish per meal, twice a day, for at least 3 days, should help settle it. Unless your Vet says otherwise.
However, before attempting to treat your cat by yourself, it is very important that you take Kitty to the Vet as he/she could also be dehydrated and sorely in need of Saline.
2. Ear Infections
Cause: Commonly caused by
a) Mites
b) Collection of dirt in the ears
If your cat is shaking its head, constantly scratching its ear and is walking around with one ear drooping, it most probably is having an ear infection. Other symptoms to watch out for are pus like excretions and foul odors from the ear(s).
At the first sign of any of these symptoms, your cat must be taken to the vet at once. Failure to do so will not only cause further discomfort to your cat, but it will also lead to loss of hearing and / or permanent nerve damage. Regular cleaning of your cat’s ears and checking for fleas can prevent this.
3. Feline Influenza
Cause: Virus infection
Just like the flu in humans, the cats too get the sniffles along with teary eyes. Feline influenza is easily transmitted from one cat to another; so in households with more than one cat, owners should take care to separate the sick cat from the rest, while being treated with antibiotic injections or oral tablets. If treated early, one or two vet visits should be more than enough to get the situation under control.
Feline influenza is the most common ailment among cats worldwide, but it is also deadly. If left untreated, Cat Flu can easily develop into Pneumonia and result in death – especially in kittens.
4. Skin Rash
Cause: Commonly caused by
a) The presence of fleas
b) Mange
Regular checking for fleas and ticks is the best preventive measure. Mites are microscopic but their presence will cause cats to scratch relentlessly, sometimes to the point of injuring themselves.
Mange is also a common cause since cats are prone to prowling the neighbourhood and can come in contact with infected cats.
When it comes to skin conditions, it is best to take your cat to the vet. As cats wash themselves by licking their bodies, it is dangerous to apply any ointments or other medications without a vet’s instruction, as most medicines are toxic to cats and can easily kill them.
Cats are susceptible to a variety of diseases ranging from Diabetes to Urinary Tract Infection to Liver Disease and Eye Diseases. Therefore, it is very important that you, as a responsible owner, keep a keen eye on your cat for the slightest change in behavior. Cats are creatures of habit. They eat, sleep and carry out their ablutions to a routine of their choice, and this routine will rarely vary. So it is easy to notice when they do things out of the ordinary.
Remember this warning always! If your cat is having fever, TAKE IT TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY. If the Panadol does not kill your cat, it will cause irreparable nerve damage.
Another bad sign in a cat is when it extends it neck backwards almost to breaking point. This is a sure sign that your cat is having a brain seizure. Toxin ingestion is generally the cause and must be attended to immediately; even though survival is unlikely…
(Text by Piumie Pieres)