Buzz!!!! With Danu -Tanuja Perera

Aug 22 2017.

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It’s always good to have a chat with someone who is focused. Tanuja has made a big impact in Colombo, especially with her trendy take on fashion. I have been on set with her when she worked us all out. It was like a sexy boot camp! She says there is no shortcut to being fit and healthy. She is outspoken and very clear in expressing what she feels. Today she talks about herself and her well balanced life.  
Full name – Tanuja Perera
Hometown - London
Status - Engaged
Birthday - 20th April
Passions - Music, fitness, fashion
Favourite colours - Red, white 
Describe your day’s schedule? 
I’m up at the crack of dawn, sometimes when it’s still dark. I train clients and run group classes till lunchtime; then have lunch and chill for a bit, have a quick nap if I am lucky and then I’m back to work again around 3 or 4 till about 8 pm. Oh and sometimes gigs in the evening!
How would describe your passion for music and fitness? 
I love them both equally but differently. It’s almost like they require me to use different parts of my brain.
Who has been your biggest support in making this a reality? 
Without a doubt it has to be my fiancé Hasitha. He is my business partner and life partner and without him I couldn’t achieve half the things that I have today. He is my rock.
What would you say is the biggest challenge creative people face in this country in your opinion? 
I do find that there are a lot of people who copy other people’s ideas. As a creative person I find that quite irritating. You should always try to be original; not just replicate other people’s ideas.
Where do you see fitness in our island? Do you think it’s growing? 
I think fitness on the island is a growing market and we have come a long way but we also have a long way to go. However it does make me happy that I have been able to be one of the people who have helped to make that change. This year my company Kinetic Fitness was asked to be the fitness partner in the Miss Intercontinental Pageant. It is a huge honour but it also demonstrates just how much the attitudes toward the importance of health and fitness have shifted. 
What are some of your most defining moments in life? 
Making the move into the fitness industry nearly 10 years ago was a huge one. It was the catalyst in changing the complete direction of my life. It led me to Sri Lanka and into the arms of the love of my life. I hope there are a few more of those defining moments in the near future….marriage, kids.
How do you stay fit? 
I often train alongside my clients at the Kinetic Fitness Studio, sometimes I lift heavy weights and other times I box and do yoga. It really depends on my mood.
In your opinion is it hard to stay fit in a country like Sri Lanka?
 I think it is becoming easier as more gyms and studios open. I don’t think in this modern age we can use the excuse of I don’t have a gym near me or I can’t afford a trainer. Nowadays there are so many things on YouTube and apps you can download. You just need to decide that you want to do something and get started.
How did you get into singing? 
My parents say I used to sing before I could talk. I started in church. I was in the choir.
Give me three essential exercises you would have any client do? Why are they in your top three? 
Squats, push-ups, planks. They are my go-to because they create a good basis of strength and core fitness.
Why did you decide to become a personal trainer? 
I lost my dad and brother in quick succession to poor diet and a general lack of looking after themselves. I went into a deep state of depression for a long time and it was exercise that pulled me out of it. I wanted to show people that no matter how bad things get, the human spirit is strong and training really is the best anti-depressant in the world. If it could save me, it could save anyone!
If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask? 
Who is dating Danu??
If you were given a one-minute ad slot during the Cricket World cup that you couldn’t sell, what would you fill it with? 
I would fill it with a song to keep folks entertained.
If you had to change your name, what would your new name be, and why would you choose that name? 
Tits McGee for obvious reasons.
In the Spot?
What are your thoughts on Yahapalanaya? 
I am far from a political analyst but I think it’s fair to say it’s had its ups and downs.
As many have an opinion on this, please tell me as a fitness person, what do you think of our cricket team’s fitness level? 
I know our guys actually train really hard because they have to in order to keep up with the fitness levels of other international teams. I think it’s a positive change in comparison to years gone by.
What’s something your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?
Eat cheese and drink red wine which I have to physically stop myself from doing every day.
What’s the most useless talent you have? 
I can pick and throw things like a shot-putter with my feet.
What quote or saying do people spout but is complete BS? 
“Just come for one drink and then you can go home” - especially in Sri Lanka.
What’s your biggest screw up in the kitchen? 
Nearly set the whole kitchen on fire when trying to make dinner one night.
What’s a body part that you wouldn’t mind losing? 
Belly but just a couple of inches; not my intestines.
What celebrity would you rate as a perfect 10? 
Jason Mamoa. OMG.


Danu Innasithamby

Danu is a Jaffna Boy with a Marketing qualification (only because he needed to study, and not because he wanted it). He has been a part of the team for seven years and is the face behind Buzz with Danu, and WTF.


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