Accidents at home…

Aug 14 2023.

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We chat to Consultant Family Physician Dr  Sarath Paranavitane, to ask him about how to avoid accidents at home and what needs to be in every First Aid kit at home.

Q  What is the significance of a first aid kit at home? 
First-Aid kits help you handle medical emergencies as quickly as possible at home. They provide a way to quickly and easily treat minor injuries and illnesses and reduce the risk of minor injuries worsening. They also prevent unnecessary hospital visits.

Q Do many households have such first aid kits?  Yes

Q What should such first aid kits contain?
The following items should be included in your first aid kit :

  • Plasters - Make sure that you have a range of different shapes and sizes.
  • Sterile gauze dressings - All sizes of these.
  • Sterile eye dressings – At least two of these.
  • Bandages - You will need crepe-rolled bandages and triangular bandages.
  • Sticky or micropore tape - To help secure bandages.
  • A thermometer - A digital thermometer is best.
  • Disposable sterile gloves  To ensure that wounds are kept sterile while being dressed.
  • Alcohol-free sterile wipes - To clean any wounds.
  • Skin rash cream - This can help soothe skin irritated by nettles or ivy, for example.
  • Antiseptic cream/solution - To clean wounds or bites.
  • Antibiotic ointment 
  • Scissors - To cut bandages and plasters.
  • Painkillers - Paracetamol or ibuprofen, infant paracetamol for children
  • Antihistamine - This is to help with any allergic reactions. Piriton is a good example.
  • Distilled water - To help clean wounds.
  • NOSE TWEEZERS - to pull out splinters, ticks or thorns

Q What are the most important items in such a  first aid kit?

The five most important items for any first aid kit are:

  • Bandages and dressings - a few adhesive bandages and gauze dressings to cover wounds
  • Antibiotic cream 
  • Antiseptic cream/solution -To clean wounds or bites
  • Scissors 
  • Gloves to protect yourself from blood and other body fluid

Q What are some of the common accidents at home? 
 Injury from falls, Cuts and lacerations, splinters, burns, bee stings and bug bites.

Q What should be done to prevent them?
Clean up spills immediately
Secure rugs
Beware of where you put hot liquids
Install grab bars in the shower
Check your hot water heater
Keep electronics away from water
Keep guards on all tools and store them out of reach
Staircase safety
Keep cleaning products out of reach

Q What are some of the objects that cause accidents at home?
Bathtubs and showers.
Unsecured rugs
Exercise equipment.
Cutlery and knives.
Desks, cabinets, shelves and racks.
Ladders and Stools.

Q At what stage should a doctor be consulted?
Severe pain
Restriction of movement/inability to move
Excessive bleeding
Signs of Anaphylaxis 
Loss of sensation 
Signs of hemodynamic instability - any changes in blood pressure and pulse

Q Who is most prone to accidents at home?
Accidents are more common in extreme age groups (pediatric and elderly) as well as individuals with disabilities.

Q What are the common first aid injuries?
Minor Wounds.
Minor Cuts & Scrapes
Bee & Wasp Stings
Minor burns
Wrist & Ankle Sprains
Heat Exhaustion 

By Kshalini Nonis


  1. Paula says:

    Such good reading. Very appropriate and timely.

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