Jun 09 2016.
views 503Bluetooth-connected toothbrush brings a dentist into your bathroom?
Philips Sonicare is launching a new smart toothbrush that connects to an app via Bluetooth.
I know, I know the first thing you’ll say is:
Why do I need a toothbrush that has Bluetooth?
You probably don’t, but you might if you really care about oral hygiene and don’t mind spending more time than most people brushing your teeth in the morning and night.
This revolutionary product, which goes by the unnecessarily long name Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Connected, consists of a variety of sensors in the handle to track in real time how you’re brushing your teeth. The data is synced via Bluetooth to an app for both iOS and Android.
How it works?
As you brush, a 3D map of your mouth shows you which teeth you’re brushing and tells you if you’re brushing too much or too little.
The app also warns you if you’re using too much pressure or scrubbing too hard. When the two minutes of brushing are up (both the brush and the app have a timer), you can see if you missed any spots.
The app also gives you progress reports, allows you to set goals, tells you when to replace the brush head, and sends you those annoying motivational messages typical of any health apps ("Keep it up!").
But probably the most useful feature is that the app allows you to set focus areas on particular teeth that might need more work, as recommended by your dentist. If you have a crown on a root canal, for example, and your dentist tells you to brush that area more carefully, you can include that kind of personalized coaching into the app. You can also send the data on your brushing performance to your dentist.
The FlexCare Platinum Connected will cost $199.99, the connected toothbrush is launching in July. The battery lasts up to two weeks between charges. And the toothbrush memorizes up to 14 brushing sessions, so that if you don’t sync it for about two weeks, the data won’t be lost.
By Zeeshan Akram Jabeer