Jul 26 2016.
views 458Whether or not you realise it, single girls are surrounded by nine common types of guys in their life! Some of us realise it, and some don’t want to realise it. I proudly thought to myself, “So this must be what it’s like having no men in my life”… the thought lasted a few seconds until I realised that to a certain degree I do have men in my life – and not just me, it’s all single ladies the world over.
Read on and let me know if I have missed out on any…
1. Perma-Flirt: Oh, you know this type. I am sure even my mother has this type. Universal vermin who can only converse with you holding “eye” contact with your chest.
2. Charming: He’s no prince, but he is charming. This is the guy you secretly wish asks you out some day. You know that he doesn’t know you beyond your first name but thoughts of him are only second to chocolate chip ice cream.
3. Sergeant Surly: This is a new type I identified earlier this year. He is definitely not interested in you – you’re not his type (near anorexic) and you don’t associate him in a corporate setting, hence you cannot be offended when he says, ‘See you, man’ or ‘No problem, man’. I’m known for my reactions, but you don’t know how to react to this. I figured that all single girls will always have one guy who tests them.
5. Jack Married-Oh: Nice guy; seems friendly enough. For a while you thought his intentions were innocent enough – now, you’re not sure. He doesn’t look up when chanting the mundane ‘good morning’ but you have that feeling you can’t quite peg. You feel as though you shouldn’t associate him fearing what others might think seeing you lunch with him three days in a row – again, you just can’t peg it down.
6. Un-Wanton: This could also be termed ‘friend-zoned’. Most times you are aware of their kind/thoughtful gestures, their sweet texts asking you if you got home alright after an office do, how they never fail to wish you for Christmas… but the switch doesn’t go off in your mind. You most often pretend not to understand subliminal messaging when he says, ‘I really don’t understand what a douche your Ex was to leave you; I would work towards making you happy if I was him’. Nope, not happening.
7. X-Rated: This is your Ex. If you were as unfortunate as me to date your co-worker, your office will be a jail cell. Avoiding him, not making eye contact with everyone in case you do with him, having to e-mail every single thing to him because he conveniently decides to play the victim despite cheating on me; it used to make me livid but you will have to deal with this… person.
8. Crush-mas 1999: Am I the only one who constantly runs into her crush from Grade 8? Just last month I ran into mine TWICE – once a brief exchange of hellos, and the next a full-blown conversation about his kids and wife; and I faked an ‘Oooh-look-at-the-time’ just before he asked me how many offspring I have borne. It’s embarrassing because being the gutsy 13-year-old I was, I told him that I fancied him. Seventeen years later it still feels a trillion times worse.
9. Pokemon-No: This is typically a guy who you’ve met, he seems alright almost a ‘Go’; you decide you can have a polite conversation with him. He casually drops the ball saying that you two ‘should meet up for dinner sometime’ – and you play along. Thankfully, it never happens BUT you keep bumping into him socially and he keeps reminding you that you have to get back to him when you are free. You decide you cannot go on “dates” you don’t want to and order the smallest item on the menu anymore.
There you have it! Nine guys who will always be a part of your life even if you are single! Who said being single meant not having men in your life? I didn’t realise it a few days ago, but I do know it now.
Have I missed out on any types? What do these guys represent to you? Go ahead and hit the ‘share’ button to send this to someone who has been this friend to you – let them know you care.
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