Aug 04 2016.
views 1214We spend most of our formative years in their presence. We love them and we love to hate them, but we can't deny the fact that they've influenced us, and helped mould us into who we are today.
But every once in awhile - or little more often than that, to be honest - we’ve all found ourselves stuck with that teacher. You know - the one that's uber mean, the one that just doesn't care, or the one that does nothing to stimulate your brain. Still, thanks to these teachers we have “fond” memories that make for entertaining reminiscences from our time in school and college.
So of course we just had to compile a list of the many types of teachers/ lecturers you will come across if you haven't already - the good, the bad and the ugly. Here's to all our Sirs and Misses… with love!
1. Drill Sergeant / Overly-Authoritative Teacher
Disciplinarian is their middle name. God forbid you put a toe outta line! You will be dealt with and made to regret your action immediately. This teacher, with their draconian classroom rules and regulations and military style of instruction runs a tight ship and is probably the only teacher who could put the fear of God in us all.
2. TMI* Teacher
This teacher cannot stop talking about themselves. From their private life to their professional, we are spared no detail however inappropriate. While it's pretty tough to pretend to care, we love urging them on for more sordid details so we can get away with the day's lesson.
*too much information
3. The Lazy Teacher
This teacher just can't be bothered. Seriously. Will most likely ask you to just read the textbook and figure it out yourself. They will play video after video that “explains the lesson perfectly” or will play a movie and ask you to write a report on it. Because “as students in the 21st century”, you must “be able to construct” your “own learning and not depend on the teacher” so much. Yeah. Okay. Whatever you say.
4. The Awesome Teacher
All around amazing, well loved and respected, these teachers know how to grab the students attention and keep it. They inspire you, motivate you and make you think. Their classes are actually fun and you actually learn something, even if you don't want to.
5. The Chilled Out Teacher
Class is a laidback affair with this teacher. They're up for any suggestions the students might have pertaining the class - don't wanna do lesson x today? No problemo, let's all just have a chat about life instead!
6. The Wannabe Cool Teacher
These teacher types try way too hard to be liked and accepted by the students. Armed with lame jokes galore and knowledge about things that were cool way back in the 90’s.
7. The Bad Teacher
Probably the most knowledgeable person of all the staff, but a total fail as a teacher, unable to impart their valuable knowledge to the students. This teacher genuinely wants to help, but if you happen to ask them a question, their answer will leave you even more confused than you were before.
8. The Forgetful Teacher
“You handed in your assignment? You're sure?”, “What lesson are we on today, kids?” This teacher has absolutely no clue, forgetting everything from the lesson to the fact that they scheduled an exam to losing your assignments. You name it, they have done it.
9. The Smiling Assassin
Their classes are all flowers and sunshine. The content seems so easy. So simple. You feel like you finally get it - you're going to pass this exam with flying colors. In which case you got another think coming! This teacher will lull you into a false sense of security before screwing you over at the exam, in which you’ll find the questions so unbelievably hard and/or vague you'd rather scale Everest instead. Multiple times.