Nov 11 2016.
views 744A trip to a Sri Lankan supermarket can either be tedious or therapeutic - depending on how you look at it, but you can bet it’s always unbelievably entertaining. After all, it’s a site where folks of all sorts congregate in large numbers and so is one of the best places to people watch. Whether you’re there to do your month's worth of shopping or are there for a quick grab-and-run, we have no doubt you are likely to bump into one of these types of people.
The Organised Shoppers
This shopper's trip to the supermarket is mapped out to a T; lists made and itemised according to their placement in the aisles, coupon/vouchers arranged in alphabetical order, the whole nine yards. These are the types of people you aspire to be, but life's too perfect to be that organized, so...
The Flustered Parents
Often juggling a few rioting kids between them, these folks divide and conquer. Or try to. They usually converge between detours to discuss amendments to the shopping list only to be distracted by one of the kids toppling the tomato sauce arrangement. Most likely to leave having forgotten a few items or after having admitted defeat.
The Health Pundits
You’ll most likely find them shopping in workout gear, loudly discussing the latest health fad with the unfortunate soul unlucky enough to be standing within hearing distance. They will grumble about the lack of organic fare while sneakily putting a chocolate bar or two into the shopping cart.
The Annoying Kids
The supermarket is their playground - they will race shopping carts between aisles, run around and race each other and cause general mayhem and destruction. Besides causing grave injury to the unsuspecting shopper, these kids make it their life's purpose to be among the most hated patrons of supermarkets.
The Lurkers
They are at the supermarket just because. Possibly to creepily people watch, or to seek respite from the scorching hot tropical sun. Likely to inconvenience other shoppers by lounging around aisles oblivious to much else.
The Disgruntled Dads
To these dads, shopping is shopping, be it a supermarket or a departmental store. They’d rather be at home watching a cricket match or napping or doing anything BUT shopping for groceries. Easily recognized by their pouty, grouchy expressions.
The Freebie / Sample Hunter
These people are here for the freebies and are not afraid to show it. They will shove people aside as they terrorize the poor lady handing out free samples or they will hover within sample grabbing distance at all times. They are the reason you probably could try out that new tempura chicken!