7 Different Types of Grandmas

Nov 30 2015.

views 1380

Which kind is yours? 
One of my grandmothers is the spoiling type. My other grandmother was the yin to her yang. All she cared about was our education and teaching us the value of money. I am sure you can relate to this as well. Both our grandmothers are usually very different to each other. And sometimes you can like one more than the other, I don’t encourage it but you just can’t help it. I know. 
1. The Stylish and Posh Grandma 
She’s the one you go to for fashion advice. She always looks like she has walked out of a salon. More often than not she takes more time than you to plan an outfit and dress up! The Glam Gran won't ever be the nappy-changing, nose-wiping type. But she will come into her own when her grandchildren are older, helping them paint their toenails with her nail varnish and giving brilliant presents. And she is ever ready to take you out on a shopping spree! How can you not love her?! 
2. The Wise and Know It All Grandma 
This granny is in the tradition of Mother Goose, storyteller and guardian of tales, rhymes and songs, to be passed from one generation to the next. She also has a home remedy for any kind of sickness or disease you may have. She may seem a little bossy always ordering you about. She is also famous for her many superstitious beliefs. They annoy us sometimes with their never ending stories but remember they always have our best interest at heart. They are also the ones that tend to keep record of how well we are doing academically. Always inquiring about our report cards and term tests. On the plus side if we do well we know there is a good gift on the way! 
3. The Adventurous and Sporty Grandma 
She breezes in, straight from the pool or the tennis court, energy radiating from her. Following the principle that children will have fun if Granny is having fun. Sporty Grannies can be counted on to share their enthusiasm with their grandchildren, and get them off to a good start in their chosen sports. They always encourage outdoor activities to staying in and slouching over the TV! Don’t be surprised if she asks you whether you want to go on a hike or to a theme park during the school holidays! 
4. The Rock and Roll and Partying Grandma 
She is the one you immediately turn to when your parents don’t give you permission to go out! All the moms usually don’t get along with this type of grandmas. She makes no concessions to her age or her Granny status in the way she dresses and her lifestyle in general. She is always talking about going out with her friends to parties and concerts and the amount of fun she had yesterday. She is always the one providing endless amounts of fun! And sometimes she has more friends than you that makes you a little jealous. 
5. The Super Hero Grandma 
She is the one who rescues you when you have a huge project due tomorrow and you are hurrying to finish. She is also the one who remembers to bake something at home for your school sales. She always has everything under control that it drives your mum mad! They give a great deal of time and energy to their relationship with their grandchildren. You run to her in times of crisis! 
6. The Loving and Caring Grandma 
The hands-on granny knows by instinct how to get a burp out of a baby and comfort one. She quite likes the smell of baby vomit and won't mind if her grandchild messes up her hair and sticks his fingers up her nose. She always has tissues about her person for mopping dribble and wiping noses, and will spend hours on the floor playing with toddlers. As her grandchildren get older she will make almost anything for them, training herself, for example, to become a skillful baker (very rare that she is not already one!), making the best-ever cupcakes and brownies. She will even make it fun family activity! It is from her that you end up learning all the important life lessons of how to cook and clean etc. 
7. The Old Fashioned and Boring Grandma 
She will never be able to grasp how an alarm system or the internet works. The old-fashioned granny is a cuddly shape, has grey hair and wears slippers and drops off in front of the TV. She is however, also a less accommodating kind of granny and they tend to complain a lot. Determined to let parents know that she doesn't hold with new ways of doing things. She is the type you can’t have an interesting conversation with. Well you have to excuse them, they are old and pretty much set in their ways. 
We are blessed with different grandparents. They play different roles in every child's life.  Sometimes they get on our nerves and annoy us but remember next to your parents they are the ones that love you the most. 
By Jithendri Gomes


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