Jun 17 2016.
views 28475 Types Of Sri Lankan Couples In Buses
Ever since public transport became available to commuters, many have resorted to leaving their vehicles at home (maybe to save some extra fuel as prices are ever increasing). But those who chose to travel in public transport come across various experiences almost every day. Unlike travelling in a tuk or a taxi, buses give free entertainment for the fellow commuters in a number of ways. Let aside the fact that sometimes you feel like you have entered a musical show; the behaviour of some couples is another common eye-catcher.
The following is the writer’s observation of different types of couples that travel in buses.
The Serious Kind
They are the matured adults who would sit together and talk decently. But while doing so, they also don’t forget to look around to see how young couples behave (if there are any). But there are instances when the two start talking aloud and letting other commuters see a glimpse of their personal problems.
The Glued Together Kind
Some teen couples that get in to the bus keep standing until a full-seat gets vacant. They sit while hugging each other or while the guy has his hand around the girl’s waist. They are so glued together that if the guy wants to search for some cash to give the conductor he would do so with one hand because the other hand is already occupied.
There are some couples who get on a bus and the moment a half-seat gets vacant the guy would offer it to the girl. In case if there are any other vacant half-seats he wouldn’t bother to even look at them. He would keep standing next to the girl and keep chatting with her, bent down, until a full seat gets vacant or he would keep standing for his entire journey.
Some couples sit together but do not even look at each other. The girl however, sits at the side of the window and is deeply lost in her thoughts while the guy would be seen either sleeping or scrolling through newsfeeds or listening to songs. But once in a way they would talk a bit when they are nearing their destination (maybe to confirm whether both of them should be getting down there).
Serial Kissers
The most annoying kind! They are of the impression that they are invisible and could be seen partaking in all sorts of intimate gestures - from kissing etc., providing ‘free entertainment’ to the fellow commuters. They do not seem to see the children and other adults who are obviously glancing at them once in a while.
Have we left out any kinds? Comment below and let us know!
By Kamanthi Wickramasinghe
Jesus says:
Jun 17, 2016 at 12:00 amPlease write something interesting and productive since lot of intellectual people look at this and this don't interest them. And you don't have a chance between them..
Saj says:
Jun 19, 2016 at 12:00 amThe writer of this article needs to consider a different career path. Why would you even think of writing an article that would not even stimulate the dumbest of minds?
Ashvini says:
Jun 20, 2016 at 12:00 amyou just missed out "Jack Ride" some guys standing behind the girls and giving a tap or a scratch, It sparks a heavenly feeling for them and forget the entire world..
sheron says:
Jun 20, 2016 at 12:00 amWhat is the morale of this article? This is not an issue which should be published as a so-called article. Poor journalism
ten says:
Jun 20, 2016 at 12:00 amVery unuseful content. And she us asking whether they left any kinds :)) How dumd
firo says:
Jun 21, 2016 at 12:00 amPoor English to begin with . Far below the standard that should be published on a widely read paper. Secondly the subject matter is completely useless!