5 People On Snapchat

Jun 02 2016.

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5 People Most Likely To Get Deleted From Your Snapchat List 

We get it, Snapchat is a “fun messaging application for sharing moments”, and dear Lord, do you have a lot to share. Unfortunately for us though, the vast majority of the stories you choose to share are beyond our range of tolerance. For the most part, we let your infuriating stories slide, but boy do you abuse the privilege! 

Whether it's the oversharers or the selfie addicts, before long it gets to a “strike three and you're out” kinda situation. Of course we're all guilty of these snaps every once in a while. But while we employ the virtue of moderation, for many, it's not a word that exists in their vocabulary. Without further ado, here are the absolute worst types of people who are a story away from getting deleted off your list. 

1. Mister / Miss Perfect 

Every pic shared by this person is flawless, almost to a point that it sorta becomes common knowledge that they couldn't take an unflattering picture if they tried. Or so they want us to think. This suspicious level of oh-so-perfect pics get tiresome before long. 

2. The Selfie Addict 

Most of us enjoy posting the occasional selfie; the camera angles work miraculously, you look great. You post your snap and everyone loves it. You and the world all move on. Not the selfie addict. Everything they share is a selfie. Just woke up? Lemme take a selfie. Fresh outta the shower? Selfieee. Heading out for the day? Blesses followers with the gazillionth selfie. 

3. The Drunk Snapchatter 

This person's snapchats are inscrutable most of the time. We almost waste valuable seconds trying to make sense of it before it dawns that the sender most probably has no idea either. 

4. The Livefeed 

These next generation Kardashians document every second of their lives like the world depends on it. They will blow up your notifications everyday from the time they wake up until such time they decide to hit the sack. Are we supposed to care that you just brushed your teeth, then showered, then picked out your OOTD (outfit of the day), then went to class, and…” Seriously, just stahp!!!! 

5. The Screenshotter 

The best part about Snapchat is - although it's not an iron clad benefit - is that the pics disappear after a few seconds. Pretty useful when you're feeling silly and decide to send one of those hideous snapchats. That is, until that one annoying person decides to take a screenshot of it. Forget 3 strikes - 1 strike and you're out. Adios amigo. 

By Rihaab Mowlana


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