Jul 21 2016.
views 975The viral flu may be rampant in Sri Lanka at the moment, but it's got nothing on Pokemon fever which is at an all-time high.
Pokemon Go is a pop culture phenomenon; a force of nature that has been creating mass hysteria around the world. This location based augmented reality game has been roping in the moolah and gained 15 million users in less than a week! The only reason you’d never have heard about it is unless you were living under a rock. But we’d wager it wouldn't be that way for long - a Pokemon fan or a hundred would inevitably stumble upon your dwelling possibly looking for a rare Pokemon. Without a doubt, Pokemon Go has been transforming lives and converting disbelievers.
Now that we're done waxing poetic about it, it's time to also hit you with the facts: it hasn't been all sunshine and Pokemon. Many players have crashed their cars into trees, gotten run over by vehicles, discovered dead bodies and have gotten mugged. All in a day's work, amirite?
Not surprisingly, not everyone is happy about it - the game has infuriated the anti-Pokemon brigade for as long as it has existed. But of course, haters gonna hate, but you gotta catch em all! Despite all the drama, controversy, hype and hate, we think Pokemon Go is pretty great.
Here's why:
1. Youngsters are venturing out of the confines of their rooms.
Remember the time most youngins never left their rooms? Ever? Neither do we. Until Pokemon Go, that is. The game has forced people to walk around in order to catch Pokemon, making parents worldover rejoice at this miracle.
2. It’s bringing families together.
You know what they say - if you can't beat em, join em. A lot of folks are introducing disapproving members of their family to the game, and are bonding over sessions of trying to explain that Pikachu is not ACTUALLY on the dining table.
3. People of all races are coming together.
In with world peace and out with the war. At least, that's how it would have been if everyone were Pokemon Go players. Still, users are meeting new people of different ages, and races. There's now honest to God interaction between fellow humans, and not just virtually.
4. Sense of community
The Pokemon community is generally very welcoming, supportive and helpful, while creating a world devoid of vitriol, racism, and meanness. Mostly. Whether it's through the virtual sphere or in person, members are constantly offering each other advice and tips on everything Pokemon related. No surprise then that a lot of people feel a sense of belongingness in the community.
5. Kids are helping their parents out.
Want to send your kid to go grab some milk from the grocery store? This would be the best time to make that request. Fledgling would happily oblige - after all, they've got more opportunity to catch more Pokemon. An opportunity they will almost never turn down.
6. Exercise.
Couch potato yesterday, walker/explorer today. The game is forcing people to actually get walking! At least it was that way in the beginning until lazy people started figuring out cheats and hacks. Pokemon has even got people rowing to the middle of lakes - providing them with a good, well needed workout.
7. Kids are going to temples, churches, kovils and mosques - Willingly!
Okay, their reasons are all wrong. But think about it - Pokemon has achieved a feat grandparents and parents haven't been able to achieve! Turns out, most places of worship are pokestops or gyms, so players are flocking to these spots in their droves!
8. Folks are upping their business acumen.
Who knew your useless, good-for-nothing child had such a good eye for business? A lot of peeps are making hay while the sun shines - from selling refreshments and supplies to lemonade stands to restaurant discounts at Pokestops. Others are even offering up their services as Pokemon sitters for a fee.
9. Better mental health.
The game is helping folks with their anxiety and making those with depression feel better! Of all things, this is the most heartwarming part and the icing on the cake. What's not to love?
10. Life becomes an adventure.
People are finally exploring their neighbourhoods and discovering new places they never knew existed.