A player's top conquests: Part 1

Jan 11 2013.

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One distinct factor that separates a player from an average guy or from a ladies’ man for that matter is the sheer number of targets and soon to be victims that go through the player on a daily basis. It’s a numbers game for him and little escapes the radar, except of course the atrociously bad looking and the bad breathed and generally ungroomed.

Physical defects aside, the player usually has a high tolerance for bad personalities, a given since he isn’t planning on sticking around too long. However as much as it’s a numbers game, there are a few types of women that attract more than their fair share of players.
This phenomenon goes back to the basics of attraction, physically and psychologically both in terms of the player and his target. In the case of a player both factors are major contributors. The player seeks to inflate his already over sized ego but wouldn’t pass up on an opportunity to face a challenge to his capacity to conquer. Here’s a list of top player conquests.
The Empress 
This one really is as much an attraction as it is a challenge. The type is easy to find, the bold facial features and the demanding sometimes bright coloured eyes. You’ll most likely find her by herself or a very few friends. It’s easy to see she leads the group and is probably quite bossy too.
When she talks, if she ever does, there’s finality in her tone that no one likes to argue with. The force field around her is so dense that people trip on it or land face first in it. This one’s a real keeper.
A player likes an empress for two reasons; one being that it’s a challenge to even speak to her, leave alone getting into bed with her. On the other hand she will look fancy on his trophy cabinet.
As far as approach goes, a good player will gauge the situation and immediately transform himself into the most caring, sensitive, patient guy in the world. Initially engaging her will often draw hostility and in the rare case even insults and threats. But the trick is persistence, the longer a player maintains his patient exterior the easier to see the cracks in the force field.
An empress’s resistance is usually a sign of having had her heart broken before or childhood conflicts, regardless of the reason she is sure to warm to someone who has the time to hear her out and put up with her difficult bonding style. 
The Plastic
The Lindsay Lohan type high heeled monster in disguise type is interesting plainly because of everything she stands for; she single handedly represents material attachment, sexualized manipulation and exploitation.
These are the girls who friend zone all the nice guys and walk all over them. In a way the player is out to avenge fellow mankind. The type is easy enough to spot at A-list hang outs, clubs and bars. The Plastic being a fairly common type in urban settings, the real reason to be cautious are the many impostors who are aspiring to be plastics. Coloured hair and perfected manicures complete with the 4 inch wedges these girls are a sight to behold and a thrill to chase.
The approach is easy to master; very few things impress these girls, money, cars, social proof and more money. It’s all about hanging out at the right places and walking that talk. The twist for a player is that he needn’t have any of these attraction factors.
The player operates on a fake it till you make it mindset when approaching plastics and gets them hooked with talk more than walk. As saddening as it is the player will need to resort to the level of name dropping and boasting to pull these girls in, but it’s all in the name of avenging mankind’s lost dignity.
Immediate concern is to differentiate from the rest of the men who are throwing flowers on the path she walks. After that a few impressive demonstrations of higher value will seal the deal.       
By Dilshan Senaratne 


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