Meet the Cast - Taming of the Shrew

Jul 18 2017.

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We recently dropped by for a chat with the cast who were busy spending time between rehearsals and dress fittings. The rehearsal space was buzzing with the energy of the cast members who seemed to play off the energy of each other. The play is co-directed by Vinodh Senadeera and Delon Weerasinghe.

Tasmin - Catherine

1. So Catherine is basically really smart and intelligent and doesn't put up with bullshit. And because of that is not exactly accepted in the society she lives in. Basically everyone is afraid of her. 
2. She's pretty much me. She's a lot more violent that I am, which you will see. It's been interesting because there's obviously the big speech at the end which is not really something that i found easy to wrap my head around. The thing that a lot of people do is that they think of it as this war between men and women whereas it's not. It's about being shrew-ish and unsociable, which Catherine learns to control. She learns to respect people, which is what the story is about really.

Inaya - Bianca

1. Basically Bianca is the sweetheart in the play and she is daddy's little girl. She unfortunately is the Shrew by the end of the play. You realize it when you watch her from the start  - her character kind of transforms. So she's not so innocent, she just acts innocent. 
2. I guess I kind of tapped into different experiences in real life which I kind of related to the character. In terms of being a good girl I guess when you're at work or you're back in school... So you basically tap into those experiences. In terms of being very unruly - when you have an encounter with someone, a fight you tap into those emotions and kind of use it.

Biman - Tranio

1. He's a trickster. He schemes and plots to have his way and do things in favour of his master. That's the gist of him. 
2. I found learning the lines more difficult than it more difficult than it used to be. I think I'm aging, maybe. In preparation I think a bulk of it is learning the lines and being comfortable with them so that you really understand what you're saying. The experience has been fun and humbling because I've acted a lot but this has had its challenges. So you realise that each time and each project you've got to refresh.

Kovindu - Hortensio

1. I play a 56 year old man who's with very young women. My character is good friends with Petruchio and to some degree im instrumental in him meeting the shrew. Its all a plot of mine to make sure i get the younger sister.
2. Well its actually a lot of fun. I got to go all out. And the fact that whatever said and done a 56 year old guy who tries to make things work for his benefit. The character is based on a person who thinks hes got it all figured out. theres a lot of comedy involved in that. It was a bit difficult to play the character because he thinks in that manner where women are just objects. So having to set your brain into that mode of thinking is a bit hard nowadays.

Rahantha - Petruchio 

1. My character's very interesting. I'd like to think if him as a livable rascal in the sense that he does a lot of mischievous things. He has a method to his madness. And throughout the play you can see that even his own method of madness is questionable even to himself because at times even he doesn't know what he's doing. But at the end of the day he gets the job done and that is taming the shrew. 
2. This is the 2nd time im doing this because the first time i did it was 6 years ago. I did this exact same play in school for the Shakespeare drama competition back in 2011 and we won. So the character itself is very close to me but it's a different challenge in the sense that  in school you have to play it in a particular way and now almost full on production you have to have a bit of a more mature approach.

Mevantha - Lucentio/ Cambio

1. A carefree kind of person who's here to enjoy life come what may, I'm just gonna use my father's wealth and make my own legacy. At the same time I'm also 22 in this play and I’m also lovestruck. So it's love at first sight and he's completely infatuated with this girl and want to marry her. And then I try to do my best. But I’m an outsider and I need to kind of figure my way into this system. 
2. It has been a bit of a challenge because last year I played a bit of a queer kind of hotel manager for a play and this year it was a similar character. Preparation wise it was a bit of a challenge for me because I had to also make sure that i don't do the same character for lucentio as I do for cambio. So that has been a challenge. 

Danu - Grumio

1. I am petruchio's poor sidekick. I am his friend. His confidant. I have been around for a long time. I may be addressed as a servant but i think i am a little more than that to him. So i am like a buddy bit someone who also knows about his weaknesses and strengths. 
2. I dont think ive ever acted in shakespeare after interschool shakes drama competition. So shakespeare felt a bit alien when i got into it again because the fact that the words are so hard. But i think when u really break it down it's an interesting script. It's very controversial for today's time and it is quote fun. So there's something about it  and preparing for this role was kind of easy because the fact that the cast is really sweet. They're actually the nicest bunch of people i've worked with. I've acted in a lot of plays but these guys - I don't think even if you fix a chip on their shoulder it will stay there. They're such sweethearts so it's very easy. Unfortunately I'm one of the older cast members. 

The Taming of The Shrew will go on boards at the Lionel Wendt on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of July. 

Tickets are priced at Rs. 2000, Rs.1500, Rs.1000 & Rs.600 (Unreserved) and available at the Lionel Wendt Box office. For online purchases and cash on delivery visit

Pics Zeeshan Akram Jabeer


Rihaab Mowlana

Rihaab Mowlana is the Deputy Features Editor of Life Plus and a journalist with a passion for crafting captivating narratives. Her expertise lies in feature writing, where she brings a commitment to authenticity and a keen eye for unique perspectives. Follow Rihaab on Twitter & Instagram: @rihaabmowlana


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