WTF - Hydration in Sri Lanka

Nov 04 2015.

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What - How to Stay Cool
Where - Around Sri Lanka 
When - 24 / 7
Who - Me 
This week, WTF takes a healthy angle - the importance of hydration. Our body depends on water and all forms of good liquid to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in our body needs water to work correctly. Our body, active or not, uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate joints. Water is needed for good health. 
In a country like Sri Lanka where the weather is so unpredictable, we need to find interesting ways of staying cool, and on our journey today we chose a few easy, and affordable ways to do so. As you know water makes up more than half of our body weight and knowing this is, I have stayed and baked myself in saunas and steam rooms! We lose water each day even when we breathe. And you can lose it fast when the sun is not kind to us! 
1. My first stop was down Marine Drive - a famous place for a long walk, to enjoy the Sri Lankan king drink which is the “King Coconut”. Coconut water is a very refreshing drink to beat tropical summer thirst. It's packed with simple sugars, electrolytes, and minerals to replenish dehydration conditions inside our body. You get it at different prices but, I will say nothing more than Rs. 30, but in this video I was robbed a Rs. 10 more! 
2. Next stop was at the very famous “Rio Ice Cream” house in Wellawatta for a Nelli drink. It is priced at Rs. 80 without ice cream and with for a hundred. Although this drink contains sugar, the Nelli fruit is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C among the tropical fruits. 100g of Nelli contains 600 - 1,300 mg of antioxidant ascorbic acid. But with Kasa Kasa (basil seeds) on top it's a perfect drink for our sunkissed island – also available at all Bombay sweet centers. 
3. The milk tea from Plaza Hotel in Colpetty is a perfect fix. Priced at Rs. 30, it was so good that I needed to have two, and as Sri Lankans I don’t think we ever need a reason to drink tea! 
4. And my final option is the well known Jeevani - trusted by doctors and mothers! Jeevani is a popular local brand of Oral Rehydration Salts Solution (ORS), and it's available pretty much anywhere. They are available in sachets. Each packet is for 1L of water and it's available in two flavours - plain and Orange. I prefer the Orange flavour because it makes it pleasant and bearable. To be effective, you should sip constantly rather than gulp it all together. I have given you the making of it on the video. 
Hope you try these! 
Click here for more photographs. 

Video and photographs by You're My Favorite


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