WTF - Adam Vs Danu

Dec 30 2015.

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Looking like ADAM VS Looking like DANU 
What - Looking like ADAM VS Looking like DANU
Who - Adam Flamer-Caldera 
Today on WTF, I wanted to do something totally different! I wanted to catch up with Sri Lanka's biggest heartthrob Adam, and with him in Sri Lanka for the season, I wanted to catch up on a few things such as “HOW DO YOU LOOK LIKE THAT?”. It's not an easy question and it takes a lot of dedication and time to wake up like that! 
He is also busy this time around with him campaigning for The Agency Sri Lanka, which was launched by his sister Anjuli. 
So our WTF Shoot was about a day in the life of Adam. I attempted his deadly wraps of dips, then to some stomach crunches and followed with a hairdo which took not less than a second for Adam, and my hair took me to Capello Salon! I can call myself a diva. 
And his discipline when it comes to food shocks me, but more than the discipline, it's the amount of knowledge he has in eating right. 
So my conclusion is “it's hard to put up with me” and it's hard work to look like Adam! 
Here is a small Q & A I had with him: 
What are your thoughts on The Agency? 
I'm excited and I like what I've seen so far. 
How is to work as a Ford model? 
It's amazing, it's a great company and I'm honoured to be a small part of it. 
What's your diet on a normal day? 
My whole diet? It's quite a mouthful actually, pardon the pun. 5am: oatmeal, 7am: eggs and broccoli, 11am: protein bar, 1pm: chicken and some vegetables, 3pm:  almonds and an apple, 7pm: salmon and vegetables and finally at 9pm: protein shake. 
Do you skip meals or do you believe in eating right? 
I never skip meals, if anything I add meals to the day that don't exist. Haha! 
What has been the biggest challenge in being a Ford model? 
It's a competitive market in New York and it requires a lot of energy to keep up with the grind. In the beginning you have to go for hundreds of castings so there is a large amount of rejection you need to deal with, but I pushed through that part and now it's pretty great. 
What's the latest with your medical pro? 
My next rotation is on March 1st and then I have about 8-9 months left before I graduate Med school. 
What are your thoughts on WTF? 
It's been fun, I think it's great, and I'm a big fan of the amount of humour involved in making the video clips. 
So is it hard to be Danu? 
It must be devastatingly hard, I don't know how you do it. Especially the time involved in achieving the hair do, I would go crazy. 
Have a blessed season! And a happy 2016. 
For more photographs, click here
Watch the video below: 

Video and photographs by You're My Favorite


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