Thiyasha De Fonseka Chandiram

Jul 01 2015.

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Full Name - Thiyasha De Fonseka    
Hometown - Kandy
Status - Married
Birthday - September 4, 1982
Idols - Lasantha De Fonseka, Bryony De Fonseka, Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama
Passions - To always be there and help my family, which include my wonderful staff at Tiesh (both Kandy and Colombo showrooms) and my friends.
Favourite Colour - Red 

How is it to be a part of a family business?

It’s amazing to be a part of the family business. However being such a close knit family it can be challenging.

Ups and downs of being in it?

Of course there’s always going to be ups and downs when involved in the family business especially when you are so close and emotionally attached to your father and then he is your boss, a boss who expects and accepts nothing less than 100%. Because one party would get upset or hurt if something negative is said or done by the other party. But for the most part it’s absolutely brilliant and I feel so blessed to have parents who have worked so hard to build up this amazing company which is recognized and respected.

How fashionable are you?

I like to consider myself very fashionable. Like any other girl I too love my designer handbags and shoes.

How big is your jewellery collection?

It’s probably not as big a collection as most would think, however my family thinks it’s too much... but can a girl ever have too much jewellery?

Tell me about your love story with Shohan? And how has the last few years been?

I met Shohan through a mutual friend, the first time I met him he probably said five words to me the whole night so you could say I wasn’t all that impressed. However later on he contacted me again and caught my attention. Our relationship like all has had its moments. Sometimes I look at him and go “awwwwwwwww" and then there are times I don’t go “awwwwwwww”.

Can your husband Shohan shop at any jewellery shop?

Well I’m sure he’ll be more cautious to shop anywhere else, especially because he knows my knowledge when it comes to jewellery, but of course as I mentioned before, us girls like our designer wear which includes jewellery too.

Do you think any kind of afterlife exists?

I do believe there is some kind of afterlife.

Tell me about your family?

Oh Danu where do I start? I have the most amazing parents ever, my father is my role model, his leadership, humanity, intelligence is what I hope to learn one day, my mother is one of the most strongest women I have ever met and she has sacrificed so much for my brother and I. If one day I can be half the leader my father is and be half the woman and mother my mother is I know I have achieved more than I can imagine. And my brother is my best friend, he and I have done everything together. Of course like all brothers and sister we have had our share of fights and I’m sure we will have more in the future but at the end of the day I know he’s got my back and will support me in anything I do. My family are my pillars of strength and I can’t imagine my life without them. I am who I am because of them.

Do you like Kandy life or Colombo life?

I honestly prefer Colombo life but once in a while it’s good to go to Kandy for some quiet time.

What do you think would be one of the best steps we could take towards ending poverty around the world?

It’s the little things we do. Charity begins at home. So we need to take care of the people around us, which is something my parents have taught us since we were little children. I remember taking lunch to school and whenever there was one of my less fortunate classmates who didn’t have lunch I would give them my lunch, and I remember at one point during my schooling days I would take so many sandwiches and give whoever didn’t have anything to eat because I couldn’t eat knowing that there are girls right in front of me without anything to eat.

What’s the biggest personal change you’ve ever made?

I think it’s the compromising you do when you're married.

What's your personal image of God?

I do believe in the higher power, and I have faith that whatever happens exactly how it was meant to happen. Once someone told me something that stuck with me. They said God has written our lives in pencil and each day we live we rewrite it in pen.

Would you rather be liked or respected?

I would choose respect over being liked any day.


If someone gave you the power to save just one animal species on earth, which would it be?

Dogs. I love dogs.

If you had three wishes from a non-tricky genie, what would you wish for?

Well there’s just so many, but if I only had to choose three, it would be
1. The power to read minds
2. The ability to eat absolutely anything and never gain weight
3. And to be able to save lives

If you had to pick a new first name, what would it be?

Hmmm, well honestly I wouldn’t pick any other name because I love my name. People always ask me what my name means cause it’s not really a very common name and I tell them I give meaning to it.

In the Spot? 

Vogue Jewellers / CJS /  Swarnamahal – if you were not in this trade, where would you shop and why?

I’d probably shop at CJS because I don’t really wear a lot of traditional jewellery, I prefer more modern styles.

Homosexuality in Sri Lanka?

I respect people for being brave and being who they are because who am I to judge anyone? One of my best friends is gay and I love him and respect him so much. I wish people were more openminded and less judgmental. This world would be so much better if we could all just accept each other just as they are.

What are your thoughts on Colombo Fashion Week?

I think it’s absolutely fantastic to give Sri Lankan designers the opportunity to show their talents and expose them to international markets.

Should a person have "the right to die"?

I do believe they do. However I think there needs to be certain boundaries. For example if someone was terminally ill and that illness causes them unbearable pain then why should they suffer? How can others decide? So I do believe a person having the right to choose, given that the reasons are ethical and have meaning and reason behind them.

For Fun? 

Have you ever giggled at a funeral?

Guilty as charged and of course it’s never out of disrespect to the deceased or their family, but you know how you always get that uncle or aunty who would be the joker and would crack a joke here and there and you can’t help but laugh no matter how hard you try not to.

Disney or Warner Brothers?

Warner Brothers all the way.

Who's your fantasy celebrity boyfriend?

Denzel Washington. Tall, dark and handsome.

What item, that you don't have already, would you most like to own?

Well as I said before us girls can never have too much but right now I would love to get myself one of those gorgeous Hermes Birkin handbags.


  1. Pinky says:

    Why does she keep justifying her love designer things on a communal level? "Like every other girl" , "Us girls" . I suppose it's easier to sleep at night by saying - hey we all love dumping a ridiculous amount of money on a bag rather than saying hey I do that because I can afford it.

  2. Trish says:

    I was in the same school, but failremember her bringing "so many sandwiches". No one starved in that school. So lying so publicly is a bit ridiculous! She's done really well for herself and that's pretty amazing. But lying about helping people out is a low! Ah well..

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