Oh! Colombo
Most people like to be known to be famous for something or the other and the ensuing publicity is what they live for. Such desperation for publicity is very obvious, especially at social functions where the fashion magazine photographers are visible. The need to be featured in these magazines or columns are a must regardless of whether they are famous for being classy or thrash.
Reading such magazines and columns of fashion writers one tends to get tired of seeing the same old boring people featured. If one has actually leafed through such pages continuously for many years it makes you wonder whether there are no young trendy women around in this town. Most of us are tired of seeing the same old jaded people, especially the women, featured in these publications and in reality very few have improved with age and the majority look like the fall of the Roman empire.
As for the interviews. Be it socialites or achievers, again it seems that the same lot of boring people are continuously featured with their wonder stories of their contribution to society and animals. These features have now become such long yawns and are colourless. What I find amusing is that none of those featured lead selfless lives or are replicas of Mother Theresa but live or try to live the life of Riley.
The fading glories of Colombo, in the meantime, well aware that it is not the best of columns to be featured in still pounce at the chance of getting another two minutes of fame in the hope that people will read the same old crappy story of theirs and continue to be impressed. The readers though probably skip reading the same old yawn of a story.
What is stranger still is that columnists who have newly entered the field of featuring fashion also seem to interview the same boring lot of people. Since such interviews get them invited to functions and soirees I suppose they are limited in their choices. The difference between the old and new columnists though are that the new ones have their own Event and PR Companies and featuring the same old people bring in ancillary business to their companies.
It is such a shame that columnists do not feature younger people who have a bit of spice and zest in their lives and are making palpable contributions to the world. Featuring such people will certainly brighten the lives of the readers too and give reason to celebrate their lives instead of having to read the same old stories of those of us who exist on the idiom ‘never say die’ and are yet seeking their two minutes of fame.