Oct 29 2014.
views 1766
Full Name - Mahes Jehan Wijayaratne
Hometown - Colombo
Status - Married
Birthday - 8 June
Idols - Mahatma Gandhi, Vijaya Kumarathunga
Passions - Photography, reading, watching movies
Favourite Colour- Blue
Favourite Cartoon - Tom and Jerry
What the secret behind the “ever green” look?
Genes and Vitamins
What’s your first memory of a camera?
Seeing the old style Large Format Studio camera inside our studio room.
Tell me about your dad and mom?
My dad was one of the most humble human beings and a very talented photographer. I enjoyed long conversations with my father as he had a lot of knowledge in most subjects and was very interesting to talk with. My mom always loved to entertain and due to this we always had a very busy household. She devoted her entire life to her children.
How was life at home when you were growing up?
A lot of fun as I grew up with five other siblings and had a very large extended family. We would study, play, sing and dance together.
How were you as a kid?
Was never a handful, quite well behaved.
I’m told you were born an athlete, but had to take up the family business at a young age, how do you see your life today, any regrets?
I have learnt along the way in my life and have gained experience through this. As an athlete I have won and maintained the record for 100m, 200m and long jump for under 15, 17, 19 years for St. Joseph’s College. Public schools winner for under 17 and 19 years for 100m and 200m.
Running Jonathans at a young age has made me the person I am today. I know how hard it is to succeed in life and of the value of money. Jonathans was a training ground for most of my life’s achievements
The best part about working with your wife?
Sharing the thoughts out loud and making it happen, there is a bad side too as there is no cut off point… hehe.
Do you believe in keeping in touch with friends?
Definitely, friends are far and few but all most certainly keep in touch.
What are your thoughts on “phone photography”?
I feel it’s a good training tool as it is like having a digital camera in your hand without the weight and size. And the apps are good as they can enhance a simple photo to a beautiful piece of art.
Tell me a little bit about your family?
My children are - two boys – Jonathan and Ryan who are currently in Sri Lanka helping me with the running of Jonathans and my darling daughter – Shanell who is currently studying in Australia.
Favourite hangout?
Home with friends enjoying drinks and bites and Golf Club.
Tell me about your time in acting.
I acted in a teledrama produced by Selacine in 1983.
A character you wish you’d played?
Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver
Fun questions
What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket” list?
Who do you admire the most?
My dad
What part of pop culture do you wish would just go away?
Can’t say
What is your favourite salty snack?
Do you believe in God?
What are you afraid of?
Nothing, never afraid of anything or anyone
What makes you laugh?
In the Spot
Your views on Kumar Sangakkara and Mahela Jayawardene coming up on many billboards?
Good branding
Your views on politics today?
It’s important that right decisions are made so that the future generation will not have to suffer with the wrong decisions, and democracy prevails.
Your thoughts on Colombo society?
Glamorous and very up market.
If you woke up one day looking like Upeksha, your wife, you will?
I will be smiling all the time
If you could have a drink with someone from the past who would it be?
My dad
If you have to make a film about your life, who will you add in your credits?