WTF - A True Sri Lankan Head Massage

Apr 26 2017.

views 1170

    What - A good head massage 
    Where - La Passion 
    Who - Mr. Premasiri 
    When - Everyday

    Today on WTF, I needed to get myself some relief from all the new year tension, and it just seemed like a good idea to visit the place we always drive past. There is something about getting a really good head massage, which leaves you numb after.

    We went to the very popular La Passion which has shaved and cleaned many men for many years, and the skills required to work there are simple and basic, but the results seems to be working well. 

    I choose the man with 49 years of experience and who is now 69, Mr. Premasiri. It's amazing how he works his magic, some of it was a bit too much for me to handle. Speaking to me, he said "I handle up to 6 clients a day,". That's a lot in a day's shift!

    The next time you have had a long day, tired and drained out, you know what you got to do. Just hop into La Passion and get Mr. Premasiri to work his magic! 

    Today on WTF 

    Video and photographs by You're My Favorite 
    Hair and makeup - Capello Salons 
    Transport Partner - PickMe 
    Outfit - LOVI Ceylon 
    T-Shirt - JUMP


    Danu Innasithamby

    Danu is a Jaffna Boy with a Marketing qualification (only because he needed to study, and not because he wanted it). He has been a part of the team for seven years and is the face behind Buzz with Danu, and WTF.


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