Sep 22 2017.
views 240There is nothing like receiving a gift of jewellery and if part of it is in the form of a diamond then it is a bonus, especially when the rock is large. Star sapphires, blue sapphires, pink sapphires, emeralds, rubies and other expensive stones encrusted with diamonds are the dream of many women. Mistresses of wealthy men are delighted when their love gifts them such fancy expensive jewellery. Knowing for sure that they will be dumped sooner or later, to them the gift is akin to a fixed deposit that could be redeemed for cash at their time of need.
It is common knowledge that synthetic and alternative stones that look as good as the original are available in the market for a price and that jewellers turn out great copies of original pieces using improved production techniques. Unless you know your stones and are an expert who has studied gemmology it is difficult to differentiate the original from the copy.
Recently, Ms. Kasilla, a plaything of a business tycoon, turned green with envy when she spotted a photograph of the tycoon’s wife in a magazine sporting a diamond encrusted necklace. She demanded that she too be presented with a similar necklace and until then all services and doors were closed to the tycoon. The smart business tycoon had a very good copy of the wife’s necklace turned out and presented it to Ms Kasilla. She was delighted and, thereafter, it was tickety-boo for the couple. After some time, as with all illicit love affairs, she was ditched for someone younger. In need of funds, Ms. Kasilla with great regret decided to flog her necklace, confident that she could wangle another from the next tycoon who came along.
Expecting at least a million from her sale, Ms. Kasilla showed her necklace to a reputed Jeweller, who examined it and offered her a few thousands saying that it was a very good copy with beautifully cut coloured stones. Ms. Kasilla could have been knocked down with a feather when she heard this, which was soon followed by blinding rage at herself. She could not believe how she had been hoodwinked by this man who had made use of her for all of his needs. Her only benefit from the relationship was the money she had exhorted from him from time to time. Having learned her lesson, Ms. Kasilla is now following a course in gemmology where she will be academically trained and qualified to identify and evaluate gems. Watch out, anybody who attempts to trick Ms. Kasilla with a set of fake stones in the future.
Many have sung the same song of how they have been played out by accepting gifts of stones that turned out to be fakes when they decided to flog them once their love affair was done.