Peterites Perform Joseph on WTF

Jan 11 2017.

views 833

What - Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat 
Where - Lionel Wendt 
When - January 25 - 29 

It's time to write about a play which the young and old Peterites have been working on for months and months all just to have a fine production. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is a musical with lyrics by Tim Rice and music by Andrew Lloyd Webber. The story is based on the "coat of many colors", a story of Joseph from the Bible's Book of Genesis. This was the first Lloyd Webber and Rice musical to be performed publicly. 

It's a family-friendly storyline, which is full of energy and heavy emotions of betrayal and love, the universal themes and catchy music have resulted in numerous productions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat; according to the Really Useful Group, and by 2008 more than 20,000 schools and amateur theatre groups have successfully put on productions. (quoting from the official event page)

The English Literary and Drama Society (ELDS) of St. Peter’s College – who over the last 5 years has staged two full-length public performances: A Christmas Carol (2010) and A Christmas Wish (2013) will together with the Really Useful Group present to you this award winning musical featuring actors from St. Peter’s College, and both current and old boys have invited guests to play the female roles in ensemble. 

It's always a great feeling to go back to school and work and be inspired by new talent. The duo who has always kept the DRAM flag flying high, and Jehan Bastians and Neidra Williams have made this another fine production for you to be a part of and this time together with Charith De Silva who is very well known for his amazing work with MAIC, who is yet another talent which was groomed by J and Ned. 


WTF spoke to Jehan and Neidra about the musical. 

What made you guys pick this script up? 

The music is infectious, the lyrics are clever, it deals with a story from the Bible, it's meant for children and it calls for a lot of young actors. 

What has been the biggest challenge? 

We started practicing almost a year ago. So sustaining practices. Getting the right balance of people. Also navigating through a whole year of other school activities that the children were involved in. 

What are your thoughts on the talent you see in the production? What's going to be the future for SPC Theater? 

SPC has always had a vibrant theatre history. The school has over the years produced some of the best productions Colombo has seen. Also some of the best actors and directors. This time too we are blessed with a wonderful talented cast. We feel Peterite drama is thriving and will go on for a very long time. 

What's next for Silent Hands? 

Probably a comedy as we are known for that. But first some well earned rest. 

And a few more big names who have made this possible. The Choral Director, who is still trying to figure out why I get my four lines wrong has done amazing work with the boys and girls. Peshali Yapa is too kind and blushes at all our nonsense. The dance choreography is done by the stunning Roshni Gunaratne, the musical enhancement and accompaniment by Neranjan De Silva, lighting by Gihan and Rohan Jayatilleka, and costume and set design by Charith De Silva and Neidra Williams. 

The production will go on the boards at the Lionel Wendt from the 25th to the 29th of January 2017. Get your tickets soon. For now, visit us at the school hall to buy them before they run out! 

Today on WTF 

Video and photographs by You’re My Favorite 
Hair and make up by Capello Salons 
Transport Partner - PickMe 
Outfit - LOVI Sarongs 
T-Shirt - JUMP


Danu Innasithamby

Danu is a Jaffna Boy with a Marketing qualification (only because he needed to study, and not because he wanted it). He has been a part of the team for seven years and is the face behind Buzz with Danu, and WTF.


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