Aug 04 2017.
views 853
Breed : Himalayan - Persian (Father: himalayan, Mother: persian)
Age : 10 months
Owner : Afeef, Usmaan and Rafaa Mowlana
When asked about Princess, Afeef has a lot to say.
“Princess is more than a pet. She's a friend. She responds to simple commands like ‘come’, ‘go’, ‘look’ & ‘don't’! She is also our alarm clock! Wakes us up every morning by jumping onto our beds, mewing loudly and tapping us with her right foot!! She is on vitamins right now because she is a little weak. We are praying she has healthy kittens and remains so herself”.
- How did you find your pet?
We found our pet on a website called "" under the pets category.
- What’s the story behind the name you've given?
When we first bought her, the previous owner convinced us that she was a male. Convinced we bought her. Just when we took her for her first vaccine, the vet told us she was a female. Nangi,extremely excited, said,"anee my chooti princess". From that day she was called Princess.
- What are meal times and bath times like?
Her meal times are 3 times a day and her bath times are every sunday.
- What’s her favourite thing to do?
Her favourite thing is chasing either cockroaches or geckos.
- What’s the naughtiest thing she has done?
The naughtiest thing she has done so far is killing and offering us a "rat".
- How does she react when you return home?
Immediately as we return from school, she comes running to us.
- Does she do anything out of the ordinary that fascinates you?
Never seen a cat lounge the way she does with both her back feet stretched out as well! Our cat does "Yoga"