Meet Leo the Pooch!

Oct 29 2015.

views 495

Leo with his adorable eyes and long ears is the definition of a happy dog! His stomach is a never ending pit and he is a champion at asking for forgiveness. (I mean who can say no to those eyes?) He also enjoys undivided attention and gets jealous if it proves to be otherwise. 
Pet's Details 
Name : Leo
Breed : Street pooch
Age : 7 months
Owner : Upeka Dassanayake 
What is the story behind the name Leo? 
When I first saw him, he reminded me of a little lion cub especially with his coarse tawny coloured fur. Also, I am partial to names that have an L in it. 
What is a typical day like for Leo? 
His day revolves around playing with my other dog Lola, eating anything and everything and sleeping (in no particular order). 
What are the meal times and bath times like? 
He would gobble up his food in a matter of few minutes, stares longingly at the cat’s and Lola’s food, gobbles up the leftovers and proceeds to act as if he has never been fed. Bath times are a nightmare; he hates being bathed and acts as if he is been tortured. He loves playing tug of war with the towel when he’s been dried. 
Does he do anything out of the ordinary, which fascinates you? 
I love how Leo always desperately asks for forgiveness (even when he isn’t the guilty party) by first wagging his tail and showing me his tummy followed by climbing onto my lap and giving me the puppy eyes until I hug him and accept his apology. 
What is his favourite fun time activity? 
Playing/ fighting with my other dog Lola. 
What is the naughtiest thing he has done? 
He ate my phone and laptop chargers, cords of the hair straightener and curling iron, four pairs of slippers, clothes and numerous other things in a span of few days. 
How did you find him? 
My dad found him in his house in Pannala and brought him home in the middle of the night in a box and surprised all of us, including Lola who cried when she realized that she was going to have to share the attention. 
How does he react when you return home? 
He greets me by wagging his tail furiously, barking, biting, jumping and sniffing for other dogs. This continues for a while until he gets distracted by Lola (especially when he feels that she’s getting more attention). 
What’s the best thing about him? 
He always looks so happy and allows me to cuddle him. 
By Eshani Seneviratne


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