
May 27 2016.

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Oh! Colombo 

It was a week of great tragedy with the torrential rain playing havoc in most parts of the Island, leaving hundreds of people destitute.  Most had to evacuate from their homes whilst others lost their homes completely. Many people lost their lives as well due to the floods owing to landslides, drowning and electrocution.  

The generosity of the people was amazing and almost unimaginable how they wanted to help the victims of this disaster.  Food, clothing, medicines and other necessary material were handed out to the victims by many volunteers who bravely faced the weather and went into the affected areas to help in any which way they can. Radio and news stations and many other corporate institutions came forward during this crisis to raised funds and distributed them among the needy. Lots also looked after the abandoned or lost animals and saw to their safety too. 

Amidst all of this, criticism has also loomed about the number of people who offered their help merely to take selfies or have themselves photographed and put them up on social media.  This could be a possibility but they still stepped up and helped out and such self-advertising also would have served a purpose by bringing more awareness to the situation.  A little team effort and a bit of fun thrown in whilst doing such charitable and generous work to lighten things up is definitely acceptable.

It was also sad to hear that people were looting the abandoned houses and taking away whatever possible and even worse was where people were actually pinching the donated stuff; both actions absolutely unforgivable.

Hopefully the worst is over. The challenge now is to rehabilitate the displaced which would be a major task and to many of those who go back to the remains of their homes it will be almost like rebuilding one’s life from scratch.
I learned from my doctor most of the victims require medical attention right now and would for a few months to come due to the flooded waters. The resulting fungal diseases and other waterborne illnesses will have to be treated immediately to prevent larger medical issues in future.

One has to admire all  of those who helped out, especially the volunteers who went out and physically got involved with the victims in many parts of the island. It certainly renews faith in humanity and establishes the belief that we are indeed a generous nation.


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