Enjoying Time

Mar 03 2017.

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Oh! Colombo 

It is essential that everyone should de-stress by changing their daily routine from time to time. Travelling overseas and having a hectic schedule, dealing with hotel front office staff, delays of flights and unpleasantness at airports can also be stressful and take out the joy of travelling to any destination. The only fortunate thing about taking such journeys is if there is a travel companion with a similar outlook so that you could vent to each other about some of the frustrations faced dealing with human beings and de-stress with a good laugh. 

When travelling nearby to a tranquil destination it is best if this is done at your own pace and if travelling with company one must ensure that such travel companions are of the same mind set as yours. On a recent trip out of Colombo, travelling not too far away with good friends, to a great beach house ‘Saffron and Blue’ in Kosgoda, was such a nice experience. 

On their arrival to Colombo and before departing on our journey we discussed and identified some nice but off beat places to eat delicious food and enjoy the surroundings instead of running into places which have no pleasant views or fresh air. At the Saffron and Blue we were also pampered with good food and by pleasant staff. When alone, one of the greatest joys in life is to read, watch television and eat basic but fresh food that is tasty. Even though the break was only for a couple of days it was so relaxing, especially since there were only just the three of us and no agendas in mind. 

It is certainly recommended to go out with a small crowd or even alone and enjoy the peace and tranquillity around us and de-stress on a regular basis. Everyone knows that it is more than nice to relax with your family and not have to think about work during the holiday season.  No matter how pleasant this time is, the fact is that the majority of today’s population have only a couple of weeks a year where they can fully dedicate to themselves and focus on their own body and soul. 

In our current instant culture, it is very difficult to find time to relax and not to feel under constant stress. Stress is a leading cause to health problems, mental issues and other threats to all aspects of everyday life. Therefore, it is very important to know how to de-stress and add some positive energy into your life.


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