Buzz with Danu - Natalie Pendigrast

Feb 11 2020.

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On the Buzz this week I feature a young interior guru who started her career in a small space at the back of the house. Today, she is not only creating opportunities for herself but also for others involved. Pendi is a home to many local vendors and creative personalities who have made art, handcraft and so much more to make your space look absolutely amazing.Today I speak to Natalie on everything that made Pendi come alive.

Full Name –  Natalie Lauren Pendigrast

Hometown - Colombo

Status - Married

Birthday - 15/04/1984

Passions - Pendi, cooking, eating

Favourite Colours - Green


What made you get into crafts and art?

I was never the studious type in school and could never imagine myself sitting at a desk in a corporate environment. or getting formally dressed up on a daily basis. There was no internet or computers of mobile phones growing up and my mother always encouraged us to use our imagination and get creative with activities and games. I guess that's where it comes from.


How has it been working with local brands?

Super exciting. Sri Lanka has so much immense talent and potential! I'm particularly excited when creatives put ego aside and put their heads together to collaborate on ideas. I'm a firm believer that multiple heads are definitely better than one, together we are stronger.


How do you see the local products doing internationally?

Judging by the feedback we have received from our international customers and the orders we have shipped overseas, I think very, very well. 


Who are you inspired by?

So, I have been lucky enough to be brought up by and surrounded by some incredible women. My mother and my Grand aunty Paddy (who is tiny like Mrs Pepper pot but so tough, you don't ever mess with her) are my biggest inspirations. I know most of their stories, what they have battled and endured, I know how they love and how they must have cried. Incredible women who have continued to support me and taught me I can do anything I set my mind to.


Who has been your biggest support in your life in making Pendi a reality?

Everest (not his real name), the spouse. It is he who pushed, cajoled, bullied and nagged me into turning Pendi into a full time job. Pendi is where it is now because of his faith and constant support.


How do you work on your partnership with vendors? 

Like I would take on any partnership, respect, give and take, listen, support and encourage and even share constructive criticism. Pendi may be the house, but together we constitute the home, building our businesses together.

How has the journey been so far?

Like the bloody Sri Lankan weather. some dry spells, a few scattered thundershowers and sometimes torrential downpours with flash flooding!!  Then, as do most things with time, the rain clears and, things are fresh, green, clean and ready to go again.


Tell me about your school life?

I think in retrospect, I was a bit of an introverted extrovert (if that even makes sense). A bookworm and a bit of loner who mingled with everyone but never belonged. School, I guess was my foundation where I first began learning about myself, where I made my first friends (and frenemies hehe).


How would you describe your personal Fashion statement?

Like me I guess, simple, relaxed, comfortable.


What would you say is the biggest advantage / disadvantage the youth face today in your opinion?

They cannot cope. I think it’s a Catch 22 situation - they have everything at their fingertips, yet because they do, they cannot cope when things get tough or when something unexpectedly difficult is thrown or even taken away. The best way I have heard it explained is in an interview Simon Sinek gave. Just look up Simon Sinek on Millennials on YouTube. He can explain it much better than I can.




If humans lost the ability to see all color except one, which color would you want to survive?



If you were a dictator of a small country, what crazy dictator things would you do?

Make everyone say please and thank you, forbid short hand slang like Gm, hw r u tdy, pp and omg, i knw, ryt (!!!)Please spell an entire sentence out, it does not take that long and it is only polite to do so ESPECIALLY if applying for a job.


If you could get a ticket to any show or event, what would you want a ticket to?

An Elton John concert.


If you could go back in time and give your parents advice before you were born, what advice would you give them?

I think I would tell them they did good with their two girls. Erm also dida, shave the mousto and mummy, you were right about the polka dots, they never went out of fashion.


If everyone was mentally incapable of lying, how would that change the world?

Hmm, little bit of drama there no? I mean, it’s a good thing. Imagine our politicians not being able to lie?  But what about the little white lies? Like when your friend asks "do I look fat in this?" or you really, really don't want to go out on a Friday night and you can't say "not feeling so good, think I'm getting the flu." Mara scene then no...




What is your favorite junk food? Cake

Who is the messiest person that you know? EVEREST!

Did you ever buy something outrageous that you regretted? My lime green platform shoes because the Spice Girls had a pair just like it. For the record, Ii was 12!

Are you good at keeping secrets? Nope, I blab everything

What is a perfect workout song? Billy Idol, Dancing with myself.

What phobia do you have? Cats, they are creepy, creepy things.

What would you never do? Wear a crop top

What was your worst date ever? Actually, I think it was my first date with my husband! It was so awkward, we couldn’t say a word to each other! haha and now he says I don't shut up (says the man who talks in his sleep)!



Danu Innasithamby

Danu is a Jaffna Boy with a Marketing qualification (only because he needed to study, and not because he wanted it). He has been a part of the team for seven years and is the face behind Buzz with Danu, and WTF.


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