Aug 30 2016.
views 551Today on #SupportingTalent, which was created specially to speak about people like this, I feature the very witty Azard, who always has a million things to say about everything, but his sense of humour is something I appreciate. Today this man speaks about his life and passion for photography.
Full Name: Azad Gyi
Hometown: Colombo
Idols: No one in particular, as I don’t believe in having a person or persons as an idol. Everyone has something to offer.
Passions: Photography and music
You got into photography very recently on a fulltime level. Why?
My passion for photography grew over the past 3-4 years and I felt that it was what I really wanted to do, and sitting behind a desk for 12+ hours just didn’t seem as interesting.
What would you say is the biggest challenge in this trade?
I feel the biggest challenge is how you evolve with your style and skills and have clients keep coming back.
How big is the competition?
Any trade or industry will have competition, it's just how you differentiate yourself from the rest.
What style do you specialize in?
Portraits, food and fashion.
Which photographers influenced you, and how did they influence your thinking, photographing, and career path?
Jerry Ghioinis for his wedding photography and Jeremy Cowart for his portraits.
Which is your favourite lens? Why?
35mm, it’s my favourite walk-around lens.
Among the gadgets that you own, is there something that you wish you hadn’t bought? Why?
None that I can think of, really. I could do with more gadgets though.
How do you educate yourself to take better pictures?
Watching and learning how other people shoot, and trying to replicate it if possible.
What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos?
How much we’d end up spending for all our equipment!
What does ‘street photography’ mean to you, and do you like to try it?
Always been a fan of it, as it captures chance encounters and random incidents.
How does black and white vs colour play into your work?
Depending on the lighting in the room or subject, the scene setting, I’d decide what colour tone to use.
If you could work with any model, who would you pick for your next shoot?
Arianny Celeste.
If you had to shoot Donald Trump, where in Sri Lanka would you find a good location and why?
I’d find a wall that’s being built and shoot him next to it with a multi-ethnic workforce.
If you had the option of adopting a baby fox or baby koala, which one would you choose?
A baby fox.
In The Spot
A difficult person to work with on set?
Can’t think of any.
What is hardest thing to handle when you cover a wedding?
The heat when you have to shoot outdoors during the day.
Your thought on local models?
Nothing, really.
Thoughts on Colombo society?
Who do you think should run for president in 4 years in Sri Lanka?
Aren’t they all the same?
Just for Fun
A little bit about your family?
I have a wonderful wife, two sisters and a brother. My father was from Myanmar and mother from Sri Lanka.
How has social media played a role in your photography?
It’s the cheapest way to get noticed and I think we all need to use it as you have a larger audience that you can reach.
What’s your fashion statement?
None. Jeans?
What is one question nobody has ever asked you, that you wish they asked you?
Can I buy you this camera or lens?
What makes you feel afraid?
Would you rather get lunch with Gillian Flynn or J.K. Rowling?
J.K. Rowling.