Jun 09 2023.
views 428World Oceans Day is celebrated globally on the 8th of June, and in Sri Lanka, The Pearl Protectors, which is a youth-led marine conservation organisation have made preparations in celebrating the day through education, art and by calling to action towards conserving the ocean.
Just like in the past 3 years, The Pearl Protectors are celebrating the beauty and wonder of the ocean through the power of art while raising awareness of the critical importance of our oceans, the role they play in maintaining a healthy planet, and the numerous threats faced by these delicate ecosystems and their inhabitants.
Over the month of May, participants of all ages have submitted artwork into the competition-themed “World Ocean Day Through Art,” divided into two categories: the Open Category and the School Category. After careful consideration by esteemed Marine Scientists and Artists, 30 exceptional illustrations have been selected for display at the One Galle Face Mall from the 10th to the 11th of June 2023.
In addition to the art exhibition, the event will feature a Mega Turtle Mural showcasing the impact of ghost nets and plastic pollution, a replica of a sea turtle nest, and an exhibit highlighting transboundary litter and nurdle contamination. The Pearl Protectors will also demonstrate innovative ways to upcycle and reuse marine plastics, such as repurposing ghost fishing nets into designer wear.
This celebration offers a unique opportunity to deepen our understanding of the ocean and the challenges it faces. Attendees, including children and adults, can engage with ocean and environmental enthusiasts, advocates, and experts. You will have the chance to learn about individual and collective actions that can contribute to the protection of our oceans.
The Pearl Protectors invites all ocean enthusiasts to join them at the One Galle Face Mall; Ocean Avenue Atrium Level - 1 this weekend, where all can immerse in a magical oceanic world and be part of the World Ocean Day celebrations.