Types of people you will encounter at the Library

Sep 13 2018.

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While the number of those devouring books seem to progressively dwindle, libraries still manage to stay afloat thanks to a few loyalists and a constant stream of students flocking in before exams. So even if you’re not an avid reader, or any kind of reader, chances are, you would have stepped into a library at least once in your life. At least by accident. So if you’ve ever been to one, you would definitely have rubbed shoulders with the types of people mentioned below.


The resident

These people might as well move into the library. Seen here day in, day out, they just can’t seem to get enough. They will manage to make themselves comfortable in a cosy area of the library in preparation for the long hours they will inevitably spend there. They’re the reason you could never sit at the comfiest spot, unless you walk in as soon as the doors open.



The librarian’s pet

There’s something to be said about being the librarian’s pet. These folks get away with late fees, and get first dibs on the most sought after books. 


The loudmouth

The librarian’s worst nightmare, this person can be found having conversations all over the place and laughing out loud. 


The foodie

No food and drinks? Challenge accepted! These people will find ingenious ways to smuggle in food and snacks to munch on  while “studying” at the library. It’s all well and good until the smells wafting from the food and the incessant munching gets on your last nerve.



The sleepyhead

Quiet places are just for reading, it turns out. It’s also great for napping uninterrrupted. It also helps that libraries have such a wide selection of books - you could just pick one that will best serve your purpose of putting you to sleep. 



The student

Typically a combination of all the types, the students are here mostly because they have no choice but to. From attempting to be the librarian’s pet to falling into a deep slumber when things get overwhelming, the students are clearly discernible by their strained expressions and defeatist demeanour


Rihaab Mowlana

Rihaab Mowlana is the Deputy Features Editor of Life Plus and a journalist with a passion for crafting captivating narratives. Her expertise lies in feature writing, where she brings a commitment to authenticity and a keen eye for unique perspectives. Follow Rihaab on Twitter & Instagram: @rihaabmowlana


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