Mother’s Day Falls in May...

May 03 2024.

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As the saying goes,  “A good mother is irreplaceable.” Indeed our mums are the ones who bring us into the world, nurture us, love us unconditionally and make us who we are. No one can take her place. With Mother’s Day coming up on May 12th we spoke to a few people to find out the best advice given by their mums and also if there was anything that she does that drives them crazy. 

"I love to cook and in the USA which is where I grew up we had a bakery where we used to cook and bake. She told me to do the dishes whilst cooking. That’s the best advice she gave me. What drives me crazy is that once you break my mum’s heart it is difficult to get on her good side as she is one who forgives but does not forget. But I still love her!" - Romesh Vidanage

"The best advice my mum gave me was to always be yourself, be truthful and do the correct thing. What drives me crazy about her is that she used to keep nagging at me when I was young (now I am married and have a kid of my own). Eventually, I loved her for it, as it was the correct thing to do'' - Rose Thuring

"The best advice my mum gave me was to be true to myself and not to try to be like anyone else.  She is someone who is very independent and strong and has strength within herself. What drives me crazy about her is that she is stubborn. But I love her anyway!" - Sharlene Perera

"My mother is very hardworking and a career woman and the best advice she gave me was to live a simple life, be humble, she even encouraged me to take a career break which I am doing currently. What drives me crazy about her (but I still love her), is that she has a nature that is overly tolerant and is willing to give people too many chances." - Irushnie Wedage

"The best advice my mum gave me was to believe in myself and that nothing is impossible if you set your heart to it. She also taught me to treat others with respect irrespective of their social status. What drives me crazy about her (but I still love her) is that my mum unlike me is overly organised!“ - Taliya Perera 

"When I was a kid we had a dog and my mum told me to be good to animals as they are innocent, this was the best advice she gave me. What drove me crazy about her was the fact that she was at times too loving and caring. But I still loved her" - Hector Rondon - Fuentes

By Kshalini Nonis


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