Inside Story: Anisha Dharmadasa

Apr 25 2022.

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Today in Inside Story we feature Anisha Dharmadasa, Managing Director, Nawaloka Holdings at Nawaloka Hospitals. Anisha was inducted as the 61st President of the Rotary Club of Colombo West and has been an active member of the Club, having served as the Vocational Service Director, Youth Director, and Club Secretary. He is also a multiple Paul Harris Fellow. Anisha’s objective is to give back to those in need. Known as a perfectionist, he’s a product of Wycherley International College and has over 20 years of experience in Nawaloka Holdings in executive management.

DO YOU BELIEVE IN FATE OR OPPORTUNITY? Fate presents us with an opportunity. But our destiny is ultimately determined by our decision. We each have full control of our choices and actions. 

WHAT HAS SHAPED YOU MOST IN LIFE - YOUR FAMILY BACKGROUND OR YOUR OWN IDEAS AND ASPIRATIONS? From my younger days, my family positively influenced me to strive for excellence and quality in all that I do. I still continue to learn from people who I meet, and their experiences. I would say that all my experiences throughout my life, have shaped me into being the person I am today. 

HOW IMPORTANT IS FAMILY AND WHAT ROLE DOES IT PLAY IN YOUR LIFE. DO YOU THINK THE LACK OF A STABLE FAMILY LIFE IS THE CAUSE OF MOST PROBLEMS THAT AFFECT SOCIETY TODAY? Care for the family is paramount. A Family is like a team. However, if it doesn’t make you feel part of the team, then you need to express yourself and move on. No one should feel obligated to be with anyone. Those who care will find a reason to be with you always. I think most of the problems of society today, are due to people finding it harder to maintain a proper work-life balance and finding outlets to express themselves and de-stress. 

WHICH DO YOU THINK PLAYS THE GREATER ROLE IN OUR LIVES - EQ OR IQ? In today’s world, a person needs both. A brilliant doctor without empathy would result in reduced patient satisfaction and have an impact on patient outcomes. 

AS SOMEONE WHO RUNS ONE OF THE BIGGEST HEALTHCARE ORGANISATIONS IN THE COUNTRY, WHAT ROLE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF PLAYING IN SHAPING THE WELFARE AND WELLBEING OF OUR PEOPLE? As Sri Lanka’s first premier multi-specialty hospital, Nawaloka was set up to mirror reputed hospitals in the region which offered advanced medical technology and expert medical care, thus eliminating the need for people to travel out of Sri Lanka for specialised medical treatments. Driven by our Vision to be the Hospital of Tomorrow, we give precedence to superior care, accuracy, and excellence in all we do. This was evident especially during the Covid-pandemic. We stepped up to the challenge, with the latest equipment and trained personnel who cared for thousands of our people in both the Hospital and ICC hotels. 

WHAT IMPROVEMENTS NEED TO BE MADE TO BRING OUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM ON PAR WITH THE BEST IN THE WORLD? At Nawaloka Hospital, we pride ourselves on being a JCIA internationally accredited health care provider. JCIA is the gold seal of approval for hospital accreditation. The accreditation comes along with the hospital’s continued compliance with internationally recognised standards and is a symbol of the highest quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to providing safe and effective health care. I think continuous exchange programmes with other leading hospitals around the world, will help us to understand the latest trends, and enable us to provide newer techniques and more cost-effective treatments 

WHAT CHANGES NEED TO BE MADE IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT OUR PEOPLE LEAD A HEALTHY LIFE - VIS A VIS LIFESTYLE, DIET, ETC? When it comes to your health, your lifestyle choices are much more dominant than your genes. It’s always a good time to adopt new habits to improve your well-being. Nourish yourself – there is a difference between being well-fed and well-nourished. Stop bad habits like excessive alcohol, drug abuse, and smoking. Make sleep a priority. Managing stress is important- in order to achieve this, a healthy work-life balance is crucial. Lots of Sri Lankans are embracing mindfulness and moving back to basic living, in harmony with nature, mind, and body. This is a positive trend that should be embraced by all. 

WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT TEACHINGS, AND VALUES THAT YOU WOULD IMPART TO YOUR CHILDREN? Work with passion, have the ability to solve problems, and do not be afraid to reach out to a person if you need help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Self Analysis - Learn from every experience, so that you can self improve to handle problems better in the future. Be there for people when they need you, however, let them also realise that you too have limits and respect them. Give back to society, especially of your time, so that together you can create a better world. I am happy to be part of a family that gives special attention to this area. I Joined Rotary Colombo West and am fortunate to be surrounded by committed Rotarians who are ever ready to give back and serve to change the lives of others. 

DO YOU THINK THAT THE MAJORITY OF ILLNESSES TODAY ARE BROUGHT ABOUT BY STRESS? Studies have found many health problems are related to stress. Stress seems to worsen or increase the risk of conditions like heart disease, Diabetes, Depression, Gastrointestinal problems, Asthma, Obesity, Insomnia, etc. Every doctor tells me to reduce stress first if I want to be in good health. 

AS A RESPONSIBLE HEALTHCARE PROVIDER WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE PLANS? We recently launched the Nawaloka Elite Centre in March 2022, which provides premier, personalised health care services, which is a new concept in the Sri Lankan health care sector. Prevention and early detection are essential to preserving good health and wellbeing and the importance of primary care in this sense cannot be understated, particularly at this point. We are proud to open a wellness sanctuary that combines the best in modern medicine and alternative treatments as well as lifestyle-focused health services packaged in a convenient, personalised manner and dispensed on a comfortable, luxurious floor, all in one setting. All diagnostic services such as ultrasound scans, x-rays, ECG, treadmill, etc can be done at this Center. In the current situation, with people finding it difficult to come to the hospital due to the fuel shortages, etc, we have developed systems, where we can dispense medical care directly to their homes, such as pharmacy drugs, collecting lab investigations, and even sending medical personnel for home care when required. As a team, we plan to be accessible so that our services can be used to treat those in need. 

IN YOUR OPINION WHICH PLAYS A BIGGER ROLE IN SHAPING ONE'S DESTINY - LUCK OR SHEER HARD WORK? There is an old saying, that hard work and luck are both directly proportionate. If you put in the hard work, you will acquire its benefits. The winning formula for success is grasping opportunities, being able to step outside your comfort zone, and pushing yourself to your breaking point. 

DO YOU THINK THE END OF THE PANDEMIC IS IN SIGHT? Its been more than 2 years since the official start of the pandemic, some countries are now trying to ‘live with Covid’ like Singapore, however, scientists warn that potential new variants and unequal vaccination rates around the globe still threaten any long-awaited return to normality. In Sri Lanka thanks to the dedicated health care systems and high vaccination rates, we have a decrease in the need for hospitalization, and home quarantine too is possible due to milder symptoms. 

WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE GLOBALLY TO PREVENT FURTHER SUCH PANDEMICS OCCURRING? Our 21st-century way of life increases the risk of another pandemic. Coronavirus most likely will not be the last pandemic in our lifetime. Climate change, intensive farming, and international travel enable diseases to spread across the globe faster than ever. We need to improve global coordination and leadership. Pandemics cross borders. We need countries to work together. Throughout the current pandemic, leaders have struggled to tackle Covid-19 collectively leading to a vacuum in global leadership and strategy. Having good practices like hand hygiene, wearing a mask, avoiding crowded places, and social distancing whenever possible will help as well. 

WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE TO ASPIRING YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS? Start with an idea of what you want to do and surround yourself with people who are knowledgeable on the subject and can deliver the result. Where I have failed is when I didn’t have the latter. You need passion and also the discipline to put in the time and effort to work continuously, till you see the results. Have the ability to realise where you aspire to be and where you are currently in the business. A lot of people will give you advice, but only a few will sit with you and work to make it a success.

By Anusha David


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