Fusing the old with the new - Indula Jayalath’s Study

Jan 29 2021.

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Interior Architect Indula Jayalath is fastidious about his home. He lives in a property designed by architect Oshada Kalubowila but it is Indula’s stamp that decorates the interior of the house from his expertly selected antique pieces and contemporary furniture to artefacts and travel mementoes which adorn his home.
Q What is the favourite room in your house?
It is my Study. This is where I do my work and projects and entertain my friends. It is a laid back spot and those who have experienced it will vouch for that.
Q What are its features?
Dark, serene, and cosy with ambient mood lighting.
Q What do you like most about it?
The black interior walls with the black washed teak cupboards and the library transforms the space into a more relaxed setting.
Q What is your favourite piece of furniture or accessory in that room?
I cannot name one in particular. The Philippe Starck Ghost chairs are one of my favourite accents. where I do my drawings and work regularly.  The Dutch Armoire and chests, antique Ming Jars, Chinese old Tang Horses and Burmese marble antique Buddha statue are some of my favourites in the Study. They all help to evoke a sense of nostalgia of old-world charm. My collection of antique religious statues and carvings are some of my treasures from the collection.
Q Why is that particular piece a favourite? 
I appreciate the true value of the antiques rather than new accents and reproductions. There is more value to old accessories, furniture and the details are accurate, intricate and timeless.
Q When creating this room what inspired you?
Tropical Modernism. I enjoyed mixing old furniture with new such as the Ghost chair with antiques in the room.
Q If there is anything you could change in your favourite room what would it be?
I would not change a thing as every piece is selected and kept in the right spot without clutter.
Q Does this favourite room have a theme if so what is it?
I would say it is an eclectic space. I always like to mix and match. You will see antiques to modern pieces in the space and as well as memorabilia from my travels.
Q What is the colour scheme of this favourite room?
Dark tones like ebony and on the other side of the room it is white and taupe that contrasts and complements.
Q How much time do you spend in your favourite room?
Depends on the mood and the work. Whenever I feel like reading a book and need interior architecture design ideas I like to unwind in the evening in my Study with a glass of wine.
Q When it comes to interiors are you a person who believes minimalism or do you pack the room with stuff?
Less is more. I do not like to clutter with unnecessary things like spare furniture or unwanted extra accessories. I always try to keep things that match and where it is appropriate and fits well.
Q Any mementoes from your travels in your favourite room?
I am a travel bug. Those who know me are aware that I have artefacts from every continent. They range from South African antique tribal masks to nautilus from Santorini. Travel photo frames on my study wall act as a feature and some artefacts from different parts of the world are some of my favourites in the space. 


Tina Edward Gunawardhana

Tina Edward Gunawardhana is a journalist specialising in travel, fashion, lifestyle, cuisine and personalities. She is also the Deputy Editor for Hi!! Magazine. An intrepid traveller, she likes to show readers the world through her eyes and experiences. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - tinajourno [email protected]


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