Dec 02 2021.
views 728How do our food experts cook and eat? This week, registered nurse and food blogger at Shani’s Healthy Kitchen, Madushani takes our Q&A!
How did Shani’s Healthy Kitchen come about? I always used to take pictures of my food and sometimes upload them to my personal Instagram account. I then decided to create a separate account just for food as a one-stop-shop for healthy eating for anyone looking for a dash of inspiration. So @shanis_healthykitchen was born!
What’s the trick to eating healthy but making the food flavoursome? Eat raw vegetables and fruits!! They taste the best when they are in their natural state!
What got you on the track for healthy eating? Being a nurse and working in healthcare, I have seen so many little children with obesity, heart conditions and diabetes due to poor nutrition and bad eating habits! Unfortunately, when I saw their parents, it was obvious that it was a pattern in the whole family. I wanted healthy eating to be a lifestyle and the norm for us instead of starting a diet only after there is a health concern! By eating healthy, I quickly realised that I have so much more energy, better sleep, no fatigue and clear skin. This encouraged me to stay with it.
If you could dis-invent a food, what would it be?
Pumpkin spiced latte- I just don’t get the hype!
What’s a dish you’d love to relive for the first time?
Hmmmm yummy pork bowl on a beach in Hawaii.
Your favourite childhood meal?
I always loved eating coconut roti and lunumiris! I still make it but use kale or spinach juice for making the dough instead of water! Also, add chia seeds or flax seeds to balance out the carbohydrates by increasing the fibre content. Not quite the same as the childhood favourite roti but tastes just as good.
What dish do you love to eat but would never cook?
I say desserts in general! I really can’t bake but I do love a good sweet treat very occasionally.
It’s your last day on earth, where are you?
I will be in Sri Lanka, relaxing on the beach eating all the yummy seafood while drinking king coconut!
How did you stay sane during lockdown? Lots of cooking and posting for sure!
Your proudest lockdown food invention? I’d have to say blender cakes! I’m not a baker but I’ve tried a few combinations in the blender and my favourite was pumpkin blender cake!
What is a secret super healthy food that’s not well known? Among all the superfoods, avocados claim their highest ranking due to all the healthy fats and vitamins in them. Avocados also help you stay full longer so you are not always craving carbs or sweets! I recommend Avocado to be consumed without carbohydrates or sugar or it can be fattening since the body tends to metabolise carbohydrates first.
Easiest meal to impress someone? A good healthy lunch bowl with a nice piece of fish or chicken with yummy veggies and a nice freshly made sauce to go with it! These bowls take 20 minutes or less but are super delicious and very pretty!
Your favourite leftovers? Curries for sure! Is it just me or does anyone else think Sri Lankan chicken curry tastes so much better the next day?
Your favourite go-to recipe person for inspiration? I cannot follow recipes! But if I have to bake or make Sri Lankan short eats, I do go to @hungry_lankan or @roshini. karunatilleke on Instagram for recipes.
Your favourite food movie? Hmm can’t think of a movie but I do enjoy Masterchef and British baking shows very much!
Your favourite recipe of all time? I love @hungry_lankans butter cake recipe
Your favourite odd food pairing? Dipping dark chocolate in coffee! Didn’t know this wasn’t a thing until I posted an Instagram story and everyone thought that was odd!