Feb 24 2021.
views 1937Today on the Buzz I speak to a TV sensation, who has won the hearts of the people and continues to do so with her simple take on life. She is currently one of the biggest personalities on Social Media. Her love for dance is what first made me see her work and today she seems to be growing stronger than ever. Today I speak to the ever so talented Sachini about life and everything fabulous.
Tell me an idea where you thought I must be joking? Visekari - My very first dance cover was done truly for the love I had for dancing though I had never had professional training. After this cover got released, I realized I will be happy if this goes well, but if it didn't, the result will change a lot of things. It’s funny when I think back but luckily, a lot of people liked it and I managed to do a few things. I liked dancing and am still powering through.
Who has been your biggest inspiration in all, what you have achieved so far? My Mother! She is the only reason that I am a known presenter now and it was not an easy journey. I remember her dragging me to auditions, staying with me at TV stations for hours and motivating me whenever I wanted to give up.
As one of the leading influencers here, what are the things you keep in mind when you post things on IG?
Being truly myself
Not to share any personal grief and problems in my content
How my content affects someone else’s life positively
What has been your biggest challenge in achieving all that you want to achieve in life and how have you found ways to overcome it? I was a presenter since I was 14. So balancing studies with work was a big challenge for me. I always had to put extra effort into my studies. I had some good friends who always supported me. With all these challenges, I managed to graduate from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, specialized in Marketing.
What is one decision you wish you didn’t make? Haha, getting married in 2020. I wish I got married earlier, so I could travel the world, which I always wanted to do.
If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career what would it be? Life is about to be more interesting. So, get the best out of it!
What do you think is the most significant barrier to female leadership? I think perceptions are the only barriers.
Which woman inspires you and why? I love Ellen DeGeneres. She has been entertaining people for decades, has made herself a world-known brand and supports thousands of people who are in need.
How do you lead a balanced life? I do things that make me happy.
How do you handle the negative feedback in the industry and what would you say is the biggest fault in the industry? If it's about an improvement area, I would definitely look into it with an open mind and on the other hand, I try to ignore the ones which need less attention. Biggest Fault- I can’t think of any faults in the industry. But I prefer having more platforms and systems to educate people about the industry, which will be a great opportunity for them.
What will be the biggest challenge for the next generation of women? Well, women have proven to be resilient and shown courage facing any challenges and I have no doubt generations to come will be even stronger.
Tell me about your school time? I studied at Vidyakara Balika till my O/Ls and did my A/Ls at Visakha Vidyalaya. I was very active in school and did many extra-curricular activities. Definitely a happy 13 years.
What would you say is the biggest problem today on social media and how can young girls and boys be safe and not face the bitter consequences of bad social media management? That any person can say and share anything they want, without any filtration. We should always have a limit, what to share and what not to. And second thing is, we should always try to appreciate people and share positivity.
Your top five things in your bag at any given time? My wallet, Sanitizer, power bank, a notebook, pen and perfume.
A secret about your husband Isuru that you can share? He has a middle name, which he doesn’t like, but I love - Shanaka.
The biggest blunder you have had on television? Once a famous senior author came to a live show. He was talking about the people who did the art for his new book, and all three who did it up to now have unfortunately passed away. I told him, that he is so lucky to be alive. And he awkwardly smiled.