Dec 17 2019.
views 1150A week away from Christmas and I can’t wait. On the buzz today I feature a super woman, who is full of talent and passion for life. I love the family unit she shares with her Hubby - it’s so nice to see a unit that works so well together
Simple, humble and beautiful she has it all, beyond the talent I will say.
Today on the buzz she speaks about her new single and more.
Full Name – Nadine Samarasinghe Pathmaraj
Hometown- Colombo
Status- married
Birthday- 18/11/1984
Passions- music & cookingFavourite
Colours – white , beige and blue
How is the world of music going?
I think it’s the biggest industry in the world right now. And music around the world has become so huge and competitive.
What drew you to the music industry?
I started playing the piano at the age of 4 and ever since music has been my passion. The love I have for music drew me to this industry
Who are you inspired by?Music wise:
Alicia Keys, Whitney and Beyonce
Who has been your biggest support in your life in making this a reality?
My parents, they sacrificed a lot for me to get to where I am today and they have been supporting me from a very young age.
Tell me about the new cover you released, how can one watch it?
It’s a cover of a secret love song by Jason Derulo and little mix. It’s got a different feel to it than the original version as I have made it my own. There is a lot of emotion that comes from this song. You can check out the video on youtube
What would you say is your trend in fashion?
I don’t really have a specific trend per se. Anything that would suit me!
Are you working on any music currently?
Yes I m working on a few more covers in both English and Sinhala.
How do you see the Music industry growing?
In Sri Lanka, the music industry has definitely come a long way rather than what it used to be. A lot of new talent coming up which is great. I still feel more opportunity can be given , resources for artistes to work with etc.. will help a lot.
What’s the most interesting thing about you that one wouldn’t learn from your resume alone?
I don’t think of this as interesting but I’m very quiet as soon as I meet people and I hardly talk LOL
Tell me about your school?
I started the academy of music about 5 years ago. I train my students in piano and singing ( classical and pop ). At the academy I train my students for the Trinity and Royal College London exams as well as performing etc. we have an annual concert every year where all students are given an opportunity to perform and showcase their talents.
What do you hope for Sri Lanka?
Peace and an end to racism!
How would you describe your personal Fashion statement?
I like very trendy clothes… and I try to keep up with what’s new but only if it suits me.
What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?
Work hard and don’t give up! Nothing comes easy , you got to work for it
If you could morph two animals to make one super animal, what two animals would you choose? Why?
Tiger- fierce and fast.. Eagle- graceful
If you could choose one musical artiste to marry but could never listen to their music again, who would it be?
Bruno Mars
if there was no electricity for a year anywhere in the world what would you do?
Not happy lol
If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
In the Spot?
What advice would you give our politicians?
TRY to care about the people in this country and do something that benefits the nation.
Is it quality or quantity for you? Explain?
Quality. There is no point in anything if there is no quality. Quality is what makes it special.
What do you say is the biggest issue that the youth faces today in Sri Lanka?
Suicide.. you hear just too many stories of young kids/young adults taking their own life away due to all sorts of reasons.
Natasha Rathnayake / Umara / Umaria / Devashri - your all time favourite Voice?
In 40 years what will people be nostalgic for?
What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
Clocks that makes a noise
What are some things that are okay to do occasionally but definitely not okay to do every day?
Partying , eating junk food
What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
3 toilets constructed right next to each other in a row
Who do you know that really reminds you of a character in a TV show or movie?
Can’t honestly think of one
What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
Band costume in school