Aluth Pola

Mar 22 2022.

views 570

The Aluth Pola – a market for a cause, a fundraiser by Justice for Animals will be held on Sunday 27th March from 10.00am - 6.00pm at Body Bar, No 3, Jawatte Ave, Colombo 5.

Justice for Animals is a registered non-profit animal welfare charity whose core programme is rabies eradication through humane population control [spay-neuter-vaccinate-treat-feed] with a goal to reduce starving, injured, homeless dogs and cats. It is also a community service programme meeting the needs of low-income rural communities that have no access to veterinary services.

Justice for Animals has spay-neutered 7,165 dogs and cats, vaccinated 10,988, and treated 12,015 in 2020/2021 providing one of the largest spay-neuter-vaccinate-treat programmes by a Sri Lankan animal welfare group. The March 2022 Aluth Pola features more than 30 home businesses, most of which are run by women, and a children’s charity – the Rehabilitation Centre for the Communication Impaired (RCCI).  

Vendors will be selling many unique and exciting products. Plants, food, baked goods, lamprais, books, jewellery, art, clothing, educational toys, and bath products are just some of the products on offer. Adding to the line up there will be two Q & A stalls featuring Terunie Senanayake of Pet’iquette Certified Dog Trainer and Behaviourist, as well as environmentalist, Alina Fernando. 

Additionally, the Aluth Pola venue host Body Bar gym is sponsoring a mini raffle with five prizes of 1 month memberships. Raffle tickets will be available from Sunday 20th onwards at the Body Bar reception.


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