40th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service Celebration

Jun 22 2024.

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On the 4th of May 2024, Priyanthi Seneviratne Van Dort celebrated a milestone marking 40 years of Service in her Musical Journey as A Choral Director. The Thanksgiving Holy Mass at Sacred Heart Church Rajagiriya was a very solemn and grand Spiritual Service to thank God for the Mission and Service of Ms Priyanthi.

This event was initiated, organized and coordinated by a team of all her Past Students of the Schools she has served in and is still involved in serving. The Organizing Committee was led by Neomal De Alwis, Sanjiv Dabare, Shanaka Silva, Ryan De Sylva & Douglas Fernando from St. Peter's, and they were fully supported by Dilhan De Silva, Deshan Cooray and Navindra Abeysekera from the Original Old Joes Choir, Chryshan Rodrigo Past Chorister from Wesley College and the Past Bridgetine team of Rehanga Withanarachi, Tahlia Perera, Amasha Peiris, and Aloka Ratnayake. Rt. Rev. Bishop Anton Ranjith the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Colombo was the Chief Celebrant and he was joined by many Priests in the Concelebration including the Priests who were past students of Priyanthi.

The Combined Choir which sang consisted of Past Peterite Choristers, Theoriginal Old Joes Choir, Past & Present Choristers of Wesley College and Past & Present Choristers of St. Bridget's Convent. They were directed by Sanjiv Dabare, and Accompanied by Neomal De Alwis. The Peterite Brass Ensemble led by Sri Lanka's finest trumpeter Naveen Fernando added so much color to this event giving the members of the Congregation a feeling that they were at the Royal Albert Hall.

Many glowing tributes by many grateful students of the different schools from around the world poured in and this was coordinated by Maneesh Dassanayake in Hong Kong and Ranuk Wijesinghe in Australia. Tributes also came in from the Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Church- Rev. Fr. Jude Nixon, Mr. Millan De Silva the Chairman of Verbum TV, Brian Emmanuel representing St. Peter's, Dilhan De Silva from St. Joseph's, Dr. George Cooke on behalf of St. Nicholas International School Colombo, Chryshan Rodrigo and Akindu Athauda from Wesley and Ramali Wijewardane and Tiara Anthony on behalf of St. Bridget's Convent.

PRESENT CHOIR LEADERS OF ST. BRIDGET’S – Tiara Anthony, Thinali Perera, Anishka Weerasinghe and Nushaya Maliyadde
Miss Priyanthi's anniversary celebration on May 4th was a truly unforgettable event. The service itself was captivating, filled with moments of reflection, gratitude, and celebration. Being part of the choir family at St. Bridget’s Convent is a prestigious honour, largely due to the remarkable presence of Miss Priyanthi. Regardless of her strict demeanour during practice, we all know that beneath that exterior lies a heart of gold. Yes, there may have been moments where some of us left practice with tears in our eyes, but miraculously, by the next day or even the next hour, She replaced those tears with hugs and laughter, a testament to her support and the love she poured into each and every one of us.

Her unparalleled training and guidance are truly exceptional, shaping us into more than just singers. Miss Priyanthi goes beyond vocal coaching, instilling the core values of being a Bridgetine within us. She emphasizes the importance of putting God first in everything we do, ensuring that we not only excel in music but also in character and faith.

We guarantee the great impact she has made on countless lives, in the transformation of choir leaders and choristers under her guidance, through her training, she not only enhances their abilities but also instils values that shape them into better individuals. Personally, we've experienced the positive influence of Miss Priyanthi's teachings, witnessing a significant change in our own lives as well.

Her dedication and passion for nurturing talent and character are truly remarkable, leaving a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and uplift all those who have had the privilege of learning from her.

MESSAGE FROM PAST CHOIR MEMBER OF ST. PETER’S COLLEGE  - NEOMAL DE ALWIS -  Organist / Deputy Representative – Associated Board Royal Schools of Music  
I was delighted and privileged to continue my mission as Priyanthi Seneviratne’s (Teacher’s) very first accompanist from St Peter’s College, at the celebration of her ‘40 year Musical Journey’. Teacher’s musicality was always inspirational which brought out an incredible musical awareness and potential in my life, for which I’ll eternally be grateful. At St Peter’s College, the Peterite Choir was propelled to unimaginable heights of perfection with her fearless and demanding musical prowess, through the generations, and it is the indelible friendships that were made then, that came together once again to ‘give thanks with grateful hearts’ to the almighty on 4th May 2024 at the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Rajagiriya.

The celebration of Thanksgiving Mass was a manifestation of gratitude of over 150 voices singing together from St. Peter’s College – past students, St Joseph’s College – past students, St Bridget’s Convent – past and present students and Wesley College – Past and Present students. It was my privilege to collaborate with our Versatile Peterite Choral Director Sanjeev Dabare and The Peterite Brass Ensemble – led by Navin  Fernando.  The Heavenly sounds that emanated in the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that morning, enhanced the sanctity and dignity of the celebration of the Holy Mass by His Lordship Anton Ranjith – Auxiliary Bishop of Colombo. It was gratifying to listen to the many messages of good wishes sent from past Peterite choristers around the world, paying tribute to a Wonderful Teacher. 

Leader of The Peterite Brass Ensemble - Naveen Fernando - Director/ Founder - Colombo Brass Ensemble   &  Chairperson - Colombo Wind Orchestra 
Ms Priyanthi whom we call “Priyanthi Teacher” has inspired all of us  - firstly uniting all of us - The Peterite Choir and Peterite Brass Band, to make harmonious music during our school days. This 40th Anniversary Thanksgiving celebration service brought back those fond memories strongly and we also felt Priyanthi Teacher’s contributions to uplift the community through choral music. We wish her the best in her future endeavours. 

MESSAGE FROM A DISTINGUISHED GUEST -  MANO CHANMUGAM – Distinguished Past OBU President St. Peter’s College & Sri Lanka Representative - ABRSM
Among the many Educationists I admired at St Peter’s College as a student, I was sorry that this did not include Priyanthi Seneviratne, whom I only met when I was elected President of the Old Boys Union of St Peter’s College in 1984. Priyanthi was one unique person who aspired to perfection in all the Musical and Spiritual guidance she imparted to many generations of students at St Peter’s College.  Priyanthi continues this vocation at St Bridget's Convent generously inspiring and moulding the many generations of young students. Priyanthi’s Grand Celebration of 40 years of her untiring endeavour, was a brilliant exposure of a memorable celebration of thanksgiving on 4th May 2024 at the Church of the Sacred of Jesus, Rajagiriya.  Over 150 grateful voices sang praises of thanksgiving for Priyanthi’s wonderful and tireless work, which was a fitting thank you from all her students over the years.  A sincere thank you Priyanthi.

Wesley College – (Past Chorister) Chryshan Rodgrigo - Center Head - Managed Services Attune a Rizing Company 
The 40th Anniversary Thanksgiving service showcased Priyanthi Teacher’s high standards in voice training, where multiple choirs that she trained came together to sound like one voice. I had the privilege of representing Wesley College's old boys and the Double Blue Chorale at this grand event and would like to Congratulate Priyanthi teacher for 40 years of Excellence. Excellence in music, choral singing and building women and men of Grit. I thank the old boys of St. Peters College, for organising such a grand event, with 200 singers from many choirs who were all trained by Priyanthi teacher, accompanied by an orchestra. It was a memorable service, and she deserves our best, as she has given us her best.

As a Wesleyite, we had the privilege of having Priyanthi teacher as Wesley’s Choir Director for both the 125th and 150th anniversary celebrations. I was part of the 125th-anniversary choir, and she trained us for the grand celebrations at the BMICH. This was back in March 1999. In the recent past, she was the driving force behind the formation of the Double Blue Chorale, comprising past pupils of Wesley College. She guided the Chorale as its Choir Director for its first solo concert in August 2023. It was the first fundraiser for Wesley’s Sesquicentennial celebrations, which was a great success with all tickets being sold out. We raised much-needed funds for Wesley’s Bio Lab renovations through this concert. When Priyanthi Teacher takes on a responsibility, she gives it her all to ensure it is successful. Her determination and hard work are unparallel which is something I admire about her. Wish her all the very best for her future endeavours, and may God Bless her and her family!

Wesley College - Present Choir Leaders: - Akindu Athauda, Rajeev Edwards, Ranmeth Wijerathne, Abishai Wickramasinghe, Thisal Ariyananda, Zachary Stephen 
We were in a tight spot when Miss Priyanthi arrived. The Wesley College Sesquicentennial Anniversary loomed, and everyone expected the college choir to deliver spectacular performances.  Already stressed, and now a new instructor we barely knew added to the pressure. Needless to say, we were apprehensive. 

But Miss Priyanthi disarmed our anxieties. She fit in seamlessly, and it was incredible how quickly the entire choir warmed up to her. Despite rumours of her strictness, her kindness shone through. Sure, she pushed us to our limits during our intense training sessions, the likes of which were very foreign to us till then, but she also cared for us deeply. Countless times, we received messages from her about refreshments she'd arranged for the boys during practice. Her dedication extended beyond just vocal skills; she encouraged us to develop our instrumental talents as well. Under her tutelage our choir achieved a work ethic and level of discipline we had not believed was attainable.

The performances we delivered in just a few months of practice for both the carols service and the Sesquicentennial celebrations stand as a testament to her dedication and skill. We were filled with immense pride to be part of the service commemorating Miss Priyanthi's 40-year musical journey. Singing alongside the choir of St. Bridget's, past pupils from St. Bridget's, St. Peter's, St. Joseph's, and Wesley College was a once-in-a-lifetime experience we'll cherish forever. 
To Miss Priyanthi, who trained us despite her busy schedule and countless commitments, we are deeply grateful. She moulded us not only as choristers but also as gentlemen and men of grit. We thank God for sending her to guide us, and we wish her strength and fortune to continue changing the lives of many more students, just as she has transformed ours.

The Old Joes Choir - Dilhan de Silva & Navindra Abeyesekera on behalf of the Old Joes Original Line Up 
The Josephian’s had the privilege of Ms. Priyathi’s training on two distinct occasions.  The First occasion was in 1995 when St. Joseph’s College embarked on the production of Gilbert & Sullivan’s Operetta “The Pirates of Penzance” as part of the Centenary celebrations.  Ms. Priyanthi (as we used to address her) handled the Choral Direction of the production.  She worked her magic getting all the main characters to sing their solos and duets with ease together, with the rest of the actors of the production who were trained to sing in the chorus.  Being an operetta singing was a key component and Ms. Priyanthi made us achieve a very high standard with her dedication and attention to detail. All the reviews post-production praised the quality of the singing.

In 1997 a group of “Old Joes” all choristers of the College Choir who wanted to continue the tradition of singing, obtained permission from the then Rector Rev Fr. Victor Silva (who encouraged and permitted the boys to use the College facilities), thus by giving his consent for the Old Boys to Sing at the Annual Josephian Carol Service which gave birth to the now Internationally acclaimed “The Old Joes Choir”. Having realized the need for a Professional Trainer to put the choir together, as we were from many diverse age groups and singing styles, the Old Joes Choir reached out to Ms. Priyanthi to be their Choral Directress. Ms. Priyanthi readily agreed and she never wanted any payment in her own words “I will do it for the love of Music and to Sing Praise and Glorify God through the Musical Talents he has given each and each of you”. Under Ms. Priyanthi’s Direction the Old Joes Choir had their first public performance titled “PREGHIERA” (Meaning PRAYER) a spiritual Choral recital at the College Chapel in September 1999. Ms. Priyanthi was also instrumental in guiding us spiritually, personally accompanying us for retreats.

We would like to congratulate Ms. Priyanthi as she celebrates 40 years as a teacher and music and choral directress. We wish her good health, God’s choicest blessings and the strength and courage to continue this journey of teaching & guiding young minds to glorify God, with her talents.  It was also a wonderful opportunity to be a part of this Thanksgiving Service and to sing & praise alongside our friends from the Peterite Choir, and the beautiful voices of the Bridgeteens and the young Wesley choristers. Happy Anniversary Miss and God bless you! 

St. Nicholas International School Colombo – Dr George Cooke – Former Foreign Service Officer, Diplomatic Historian and Strategist -  Past Head Prefect & Chorister 
Being a Founder Teacher of the School since its inception in 1991 Her commitment went beyond music to ensuring that the first international Catholic school in Sri Lanka would adhere to the high standards expected and delivered at Catholic institutions of education, and she did this very effectively. The meticulous attention to detail, the dedication and commitment and most importantly the passion with which she taught was apparent in everything she did. St Nicholas' International College staged a Musical Production 'Fantastic Mr Fox' and I still remember her perseverance in ensuring that all of us could sing, and sing well, a task which was not easy to do! May this journey continue, and may she enrich the lives of many more thousands of students in the years ahead, as she has done in the last forty years.

St. Bridget’s Convent  - Past Choir And Band Leaders
Shenelle Wijeywardena -  Past Choir Leader (2012) of St. Bridget’s Convent
Ms Priyanthi has been a vital part of our lives, not just during our school years but long after we left. She has moulded many generations through her music and unwavering faith, teaching us not only the technicalities of choir singing but also instilling in us a deep connection to God. Her role extended beyond that of a teacher; she became a friend, mentor, and guiding light to so many of us. Reaching the milestone of 40 years in teaching is a testament to her dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment.

Over the decades, Ms. Priyanthi has created an environment where music transcends mere notes and harmonies. Her choir practices were more than just rehearsals; they were life lessons in perseverance, discipline, and the power of collective harmony. Each student who had the privilege to be under her guidance left with more than just a refined voice; they left with a sense of purpose, faith, and an understanding of the profound impact of music. Her influence is evident in the countless lives she has touched. Former students often recall how her teachings went beyond music theory and vocal exercises. She taught us to find solace in music, to use it as a medium to express our deepest emotions and to draw closer to God. Through her encouragement, many found their own voices, both literally and metaphorically, learning to express themselves with confidence and grace.

Ms. Priyanthi’s dedication extended beyond the classroom and choir/ band loft. She supported us through triumphs and tribulations, offering wisdom and a listening ear. Her impact is evident in our personal growth to many and the strong sense of community she fostered. Her choirs were like families, united by a love for music and the values she instilled, still to date which continues.  Celebrating Ms. Priyanthi's 40th anniversary is more than just marking the passage of time; it is a celebration of a legacy of love, faith, and music. Her journey has been one of unwavering service and passion, and her influence will continue to resonate in the lives of her students for generations to come. She has not only taught us how to sing but how to live with faith, compassion, and a deep appreciation for the beauty of music.

Thank you, Ms. Priyanthi, for 40 years of dedication, for being more than a teacher, and for enriching our lives in ways words can scarcely capture. We celebrate you today and always, with heartfelt gratitude and love. – 

Rehanga Withanarachchi - Past Choir Leader (2021) of St. Bridget’s Convent.
As a former student, chorister, and choir leader of Miss Priyanthi, I can confidently say her influence extends far beyond the classroom. Her passion for music ignited a spark in many of us, myself included. The skills I learned under her, not just in music, but also in terms of leadership and responsibility, shaped me into the person I am today. I'm particularly grateful for the opportunity she entrusted me with – leading the school choir. It was both an honour and a challenge, one that instilled valuable lessons about dedication, teamwork, and the power of music to bring people together. Thank you miss, for your dedication and for fostering a love of music that continues to resonate within me. Blessed to have a teacher like you miss! God bless you always Miss Priyanthi – 

Tahlia Perera - Past Western Band Leader of St. Bridget’s Convent 
As we gather to celebrate the remarkable milestone of Ms Priyanthi’s  40 years of teaching, I want to take this moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the profound impact she has had on my life and so many others before and after me. My journey with her began when I was just three years old, accompanying my brother to his choir lessons. It was no surprise that as soon as I was old enough to understand the essence of music, I too became one of her students.

Not only was Ms. Priyanthi one of my first teachers, but she also played a pivotal role in my life as the teacher in charge of the Western Band at St. Bridget’s Convent collegiate school. Under your nurturing wings, I learned to appreciate and respect the art of music deeply. Ms. Priyanthi’s teachings extended beyond the realm of music. She has shown us how to express ourselves, how to listen, and how to connect with others through the universal language of music. Her unwavering support and kind wisdom have always been a guiding light, instilling in us the values of good Catholics and encouraging us to live faithfully in the grace of God. As we honour Ms. Priyanthi’s incredible 40 years of teaching, I want to thank her from the depths of my heart for everything she has done for me and for all the students who were guided by her. Her legacy is one of inspiration, faith, and an enduring love for music. It is an honour and privilege to call her our teacher. 

text Kshalini Nonis


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