What To Do This Weekend

Apr 09 2015.

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10 Things You Can Do During This Long Weekend

We get it. Being stuck at home during the Avurudu long weekend while your cousins, friends, neighbours and their cat are vacationing in the hills, sucks. You're feeling dejected, and you're making plans with your bed, as we're compiling our list. Worry not, we've got you covered.

1. Avurudu Games

It's Avurudu weekend, for crying out loud. So why wouldn't you? From kotta pora to kana mutti to tug-o-war, there is no reason you can't recreate and partake in the privacy of your own home. Besides being a load of fun, it is a surefire way to get everyone involved. Yes, even you, you lazy bum.

2. Redecorate a Room

We know what you're thinking. Either you're indolent and foresee physical drain or your idea of a makeover is worth a king's ransom. But who said it has to be? Simply moving things around - even just your ornaments and picture frames - makes an enormous difference in transforming your room from drab to fab!

3. Family Time

Yeah you live under the same roof. But how often do you really get to spend some quality time with your folks? Rushed meals together, hurried chats or a nod of acknowledgement while you leave for work don't count. So take this time to sit down and talk to each other. Or Skype - if your family is away. You'll be surprised at how awesome your family is!

4. Explore your Neighbourhood

When was the last time you walked around your neighborhood? Yeah, probably never. Your locale is always full of hidden surprises waiting to be discovered, and you won't find a better time than this to take that leisurely evening stroll and explore your hood.

5. Home Videos and Photo Albums

Some of you probably live away from your family. For others, maybe you are all hanging out after ages. So go ahead and pull out those old video cassettes or photo albums and relive all those wonderful moments you shared. Old really is gold.

6. Firecrackers

In good ole Lanka, no festive weekend is complete without firecrackers. So make sure to stock up on plenty of sparklers, crackers, radiant wheels and sky rockets to last you all weekend.

7. Rewatch the 1996 Cricket World Cup

Nothing will feel quite as good as reliving one of the country's proudest moments to date. Cricket fan or not, seeing our boys raise the Cup will set hearts aflutter. There's no doubt the win will get you into a celebratory mood to see you through a festive weekend!

8. "Me" Time

Presumably, your every waking moment is consumed by family, work, college and responsibilities. Take a step back, relax, and do what you wanted to do for yourself but never found the time to. Did you want to reread Harry Potter? Try that DIY (do it yourself) project you saw on Pinterest?

9. Movies

No matter how many movies you've watched, there's always at least one movie you've been dying to see. This is also the best time to try a few genres you'd otherwise never watch. Who knows - indie films might be just up your alley! Arm yourself with an assortment of snacks and drinks and you're good to go.

10. Cook

Nothing brings family and friends together like food. So why not whip up something new and exciting? The more hands on deck, the more fun it is. Cue an even higher likelihood of disaster. End of the day, you probably wouldn't have made any food, but you'd definitely have made some wonderful memories.

By Rihaab Mowlana


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