Aug 28 2015.
views 1011Interracial marriages : A fit or a misfit?
Exogamy or marrying outside one’s social group has become a common practice in today’s social context. While it is now legal in most countries, certain jurisdictions have had regulations banning or restricting interracial marriage in the past. Nowadays, it is common to see Sri Lankans too tying the knot with foreigners and living happily ever after. Will foreigners adapt to our culture? Or are Sri Lankans breaking the rules? The Daily Mirror Life consulted the opinions of some young voices on this subject.
When it comes to the upbringing sometimes Asians are more disciplined than Westerners. But if they have a good understanding about each other then why not proceed?
There are two sides to it. Sometimes they may not adapt to certain traditions unique to both cultures so it may give rise to certain issues.
I personally don’t like it because then all Sri Lankans will start living overseas and they will forget their motherland.
When taking the next generation they will have a tendency to follow the foreign culture when they start living overseas. If they can adapt to both cultures then it is a success.
Place of origin doesn’t matter in a relationship. If he or she is the ideal person for you then why think twice?
By Kamanthi Wickramasinghe
Photographs by Kushan Pathiraja